Full Moon in Taurus | October 29
On October 29, we will have our annual Full Moon in Taurus, and this one is a partial lunar eclipse.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra | October 15
On October 15, we will have our annual New Moon in Libra. This one is a proper eclipse.

Full Moon in Aries | September 29
On September 29, we will have our annual Full Moon in Aries. Aries, a Cardinal Fire sign, is symbolized by the ram, representing the first days of spring—a fresh start.

New Moon in Virgo | September 15
On September 15, we will have our annual New Moon in Virgo. It is a time of initiating new energy, seeding intentions, and planning our next move.
Full Super Moon in Pisces | August 31
On August 31, we will have our annual Full Moon in Pisces, which will be strong and close to Earth. It is a time of culmination, illumination, and reflection.
New Moon in Leo | August 16
On August 16, we will have our annual New Moon in Leo. This is an internal firework display, a potential, an idea. New moons are a time of new possibilities, of what can manifest, new horizons.
Full Moon in Aquarius | August 2
On August 2, we will have our annual Full Moon in Aquarius. I’m sensing this is a very important one, as we look in the mirror and see ourselves as the hero on our Hero’s Journey.
New Moon in Cancer | July 18
On July 18, we will have our annual New Moon in Cancer. New moons are a time of new possibilities and manifestations, opening up new horizons.
Full Moon in Capricorn | July 3
On July 3, we will have our annual Full Moon in Capricorn. This is a fortnight to trust within, to nurture our inner parent, our inner authority, and to feel the emotional strength flow through our physical bodies without words, without overthinking.