Full Moon in Aquarius | August 2

Full Moon in Aquarius
August 2, 02:31 Bali time

Los Angeles: August 1 11:31

New York: August 1 14:31

London: August 1 19:31

Sydney: August 2 04:31

Keywords: Sharing the firelight, keepin’ it real

“Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

On August 2, we will have our annual Full Moon in Aquarius. I'm sensing this is a very important one as we look in the mirror and see ourselves as the hero on our Hero's Journey. We have planted seeds that we won't see for another few years. So, how do we know if we've planted right? The Full Moon in Aquarius reflects back to the Sun's idealized light to show us where we fit in. This is how we can shine and yet feel part of a tribe. The Moon here needs a community that celebrates us even as we contribute creatively to it. Have we found our tribe, or shall we widen our search? The theme also ties into the Nodes of Destiny, which have just changed signs, also signaling that you need to be true to yourself and asking how your relationships align with that?

And what does the sky advise about this Aquarius Full Moon of 2023? There is a dramatic feeling of abundance available, a joie de vivre. Grab it! It fits in so well with the mental and physical focus, careful and disciplined words, and actions. It is stimulated by wisdom and knowledge shared by those who have gone before. We don't even have to reinvent the wheel. This lunation is also accompanied by a flash of lightning which we can use to light our fire.

What to watch for? Here's where we make sure we keep our feet on the ground. We should focus on that feeling of abundance and faith in manifestation. We need to be wary of feelings of entitlement that may creep in, or an inflated, unreal expectation of what material reality should look like. We must remember that most visions we see on social media are just that, visions, fantasy, dreams, energy vacuums. Life certainly is not consistently wonderful, perfect, and a fairy world 24/7 at no cost, with no effort - for anyone. Human beings aren't even built for that, it's not real fulfillment. We need challenges mixed with inspiration.

Neither should we be lured into the opposite direction of pessimism or feeling like it's all too much, wondering why even start, or getting trapped in analysis-paralysis. No, the key is to water the tiny buds we've planted, not overburden them or put too much pressure on them. Let them breathe, give them love, bathe them, sing to them

For now we patiently water our buds of manifestation, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Aquarius 10: A popularity that proves ephemeral. Remain humble, reject the illusion of fame and fortune.

Aquarius rules the circulation, and the lower legs, calves, shins and ankles.


New Moon in Leo | August 16


New Moon in Cancer | July 18