New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra | October 15

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

October 15, 01:54 Bali time

Los Angeles: October 14 10:54

New York: October 14 13:54

London: October 14 18:54

Sydney: October 15 04:54

Keywords: Keep coming together

“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” – John F. Kennedy

On October 15, we will have our annual New Moon in Libra. This one is a proper eclipse. Usually, a new moon is a time of initiating new energy, seeding intentions, and planning our next move, but an eclipse indicates turns of events that are part of our destiny, yet we cannot quite see them, so it's best to make good choices without expecting an outcome just yet. In Libra, this is a fortnight to honor the natural relationships and contracts all around us, especially those between people.

And what does the sky advise about this Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse of 2023? We are inspired to learn how to bargain and make a deal yet stick to our principles or needs, in balance, without going too far in one direction or the other. We find balance in our relationships as equals and partners, not in competition. We value peace and harmony in our space and work to bring more into our lives.

This is not going to be without some difficulty at the moment, as at first, we may feel our initial approach is met with coldness. It requires some work and perseverance. It requires making sensible choices and working on our own abilities. We learn to assert ourselves firmly yet diplomatically.

We may not realize it because something about the situation may be hidden, but this effort, craft, or pushing oneself through this serious time is setting ourselves up for the future for a long time to come. The sky is also gifting us with stamina and a powerful drive to make it through with emotional boundaries intact. At the moment, it feels like we are faced with a difficult choice or challenge, especially in a relationship, but this will pass, so hang in there.

Sure and steady we come together, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Libra 22: A child giving birds a drink at a fountain

James Burgess describes this as a natural inclination to be helpful to others. Though we cannot improve upon Nature, we can channel its bounty to serve. “Expressing compassion whenever we feel it.”

Seated Forward Bend/Fold. I mentioned this during last month's New Moon in Virgo, but it's just as relevant now because it covers the Libra regions, and the ruler Venus is in Virgo.

Libra rules the kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, skin as an organ of touch, pancreas, insulin, and glucagon.

“He who has learned to disagree without being disagreeable has discovered the most valuable secret of a diplomat.” – Robert Estabrook


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