Healing and Self-Discovery Through Himalayan Kriya Yoga

The Practice that Changed My Life

The sun has just risen. It's about 5 degrees Celsius, and I am standing in the Himalayan Mountains of India, halfway through a seven-day trek through some of humanity's most sacred spots in one of the most high-frequency places on the planet. Friends from all over the globe are being summoned from their tents to join our morning practice of Himalayan Kriya Yoga.

Standing in a grassy field between snow-capped mountains stretching far into the distance and a stream flowing nearby, we join hands in unity, prayer, and devotion to call upon more sunlight for our trek that day. To my left is our guru, Maha Shiva Yogi Dr. Pradeep Ullal, the channeler of this sacred practice, and to my right is Samten Kriya, the woman who has helped shape me into the yoga teacher I am today.

Holding deep presence and appreciation for this moment, I tune into the energies around and within. I feel protected by the land, expanded in the sky, held by my peers, and fully supported and guided not only by my two incredible gurus on my sides but also by the entire lineage of Himalayan Kriya Yoga. I am in complete awe and total peace. I am blissful. I am home.

What is Himalayan Kriya Yoga?

So, what exactly is Himalayan Kriya Yoga? I describe it as energy yoga, and it looks very different from more popularized, asana-based forms of yoga. 

Himalayan Kriya Yoga is an active type of breathwork practice that uses shaking, tapping, mantras, mudras, and different breathing techniques to release stored emotions trapped within the physical and energetic bodies. 

It is a deep cleansing of all that does not serve us on a mental, emotional, and physical level. It is a highly effective practice of self-realization, actualization, and liberation.

Finding Light Amidst Chaos: My Journey to Himalayan Kriya Yoga

I first came across this practice back in May 2020, amid the chaos of COVID-19, six months after my arrival in Bali. Pandemic aside, I had already been struggling with high levels of anxiety, mild depression, low self-worth, spiraling thought patterns and habits, and codependency within an unhealthy relationship. These challenges were exacerbated by the pandemic, leaving my nervous system shot from all the major life changes I had made in the months prior.  I was alone in paradise with no money, no real friends, and a marriage that was not destined to last.

During the height of the pandemic, I saw an Instagram ad for an in-house (lockdown-style) meditation teacher training. Taking a leap of faith, I enrolled. This ended up being the most pivotal decision of my life. During this meditation training, I met Samten Kriya, who is now my teacher, mentor, guru, yoga mom, and friend. Every afternoon during our meditation sessions, she shared Himalayan Kriya Yoga, a practice entirely new to me. My second session felt like a near psychedelic experience blowing my mind. Here, I realized the immense power we hold within ourselves and the need to become our own healers. I immediately knew that learning this practice was my purpose in Bali.

Transforming from Within: Unveiling the Profound Layers of Healing

This practice has multiple layers and has completely transformed my life. The results are deep, profound, and quick. It works on our energy/emotional bodies, releasing what I refer to as the trio of dramas, traumas, and karmas that are often trapped within us. This release brings us closer to our true selves. We say in Himalayan Kriya (and students confirm) that  one session can feel equivalent to months or even years of traditional psychotherapy.

This practice enabled me to release past pain, rewire subconscious thought patterns and limiting beliefs, and embrace forgiveness and love. It allowed me to fully surrender and collapse into myself, encouraging me to become my own best healer and biggest advocate.  It helped me find my voice in a relationship that was not working, rediscover my value and self-worth, and make choices aligned with my joys and calling. It catalyzed the dissolution of what wasn't meant for me and shed conditioned thinking, making room for ease, surrender, joy, flow, and bliss. It has aligned me towards my path and purpose. I now have a deeper self-love, allowing me to share more love with others.

Himalayan Kriya Yoga took me through the greatest grief only to soften, open, and expand my healing heart, cultivating a deeper love, understanding, and gentleness for myself and those around me. Through this work, the practice opened me up to serve as a conduit for divine healing, something I never thought possible before.

Even my physical body has changed due to this practice. Releasing from my energetic and emotional body has brought about noticeable changes in my posture, how my body carries weight, my lung capacity, and my relationship with food. I now stand taller, breathe in more air, and have shed both physical and emotional weight. Most notably, it has facilitated the healing of my long-standing hypothyroidism. I had been on medication for it since the age of 10, but after a year of practicing Himalayan Kriya Yoga, I no longer required medication. The results are truly amazing. The anxiety I felt for years is near null, and my worst days now are more vibrant than my best days from before. I wake up each day with a grateful heart and deep trust that the universe is supporting me and all is working out for my highest good.

Building Bonds Beyond Borders

One of the greatest gifts of this practice is the global “soul family” it has brought together—a deeply authentic, supportive, and heart-centered community bursting with vibrancy, adventure, and eagerness to practice, uplevel, and share these transformative teachings. During my darkest days, it was within our Himalayan Kriya community that I found unparalleled understanding, often without the need for words. It's a profound and heartfelt connection, a deep understanding of the heart. We support one another on this upleveling journey of the soul’s rising.

Bridging the Gap Between Body and Mind

This practice offers a way to address the body alongside the deep dives we take into our psyche through traditional therapy. As a trained psychotherapist, I find talk therapy alone incomplete. The real effective and efficient work takes us into our bodies to release the stored traumas and memories there. Our minds and bodies are intimately connected and very powerful, and Himalayan Kriya Yoga gives us tools for self-healing. I've witnessed people from diverse backgrounds, dealing with brain fog, depression, heartbreak, disconnect, and emptiness, experiencing greater mental clarity and readiness to overcome life's challenges through this practice.

Now, I love combining my specialties in yoga, psychology, and child-related experience into Inner Child healing work. Using Himalayan Kriya Yoga as a tool to tap into the Inner Child, is incredibly effective. It helps release old narratives, brings them into their bodies, helps them feel into their hearts, and provides a safe space to release pent-up grief, anger, and hurt. I've even created an online program to help people heal from childhood traumas and forge a deeper connection with their Inner Child, drawing from Himalayan Kriya Yoga, psychology, and techniques I developed through experience.

It is such an honor and a gift to share Himalayan Kriya Yoga. I absolutely love it and hold deep gratitude for our Guruji, Dr. Pradeep Ullal, and Mamaji, Samten Kriya, for sharing this incredible practice with the world. I am grateful for the journey that brought me to where I am now, and wholeheartedly believe the world’s collective mental health will improve as more and more Himalayan Kriya Yogis courageously step into the practice and shine their light.

About Amira

Meet Amira, a vibrant and dedicated Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500) with a true passion for yoga. She has not only honed her skills through extensive training, completing over 1,000 hours of instruction, but she has additional certifications in various disciplines including Himalayan Kriya, meditation, and yoga for children and adolescents. Her deep understanding of Hatha, pranayama, subtle energy, yoga nidra, and philosophy adds a rich layer to her teaching.

Amira's expertise extends beyond yoga. With a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, she merges the worlds of psychology, mindfulness, and yoga to create a holistic approach to well-being. Her ultimate goal is to guide individuals on a transformative path, helping them release emotional energy, rediscover their true selves, and cultivate inner peace through the power of movement, breathwork, and meditation.

Currently based in Bali, Amira has a wealth of experience teaching yoga in diverse environments. From leading yoga teacher trainings to inner child workshops, she is truly dedicated to empowering others on their unique journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. Get ready to embark on a transformative experience with Amira as your guide to wellness and empowerment.


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