Full Moon in Taurus | October 29

Full Moon in Taurus

October 29, 4:23 AM Bali time

Los Angeles: October 28 13:23

New York: October 28 16:23

London: October 28 21:23

Sydney: October 29 07:23

Keywords: Intense words, yet grounded

"There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past. Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go." – Melanie Koulouris

On October 29, we will have our annual Full Moon in Taurus, and this one is a partial lunar eclipse. Taurus, a Fixed Earth sign, is symbolized by the bull, representing financial stability and material enjoyment. The Moon feels secure in this sign, making it her favorite to relax in. During a full moon, the Sun is opposite the Moon in the sky, providing clarity about what must come to fruition or end in this cycle. With the Sun in Scorpio, we can expect deep and intense experiences. This polarity values stability, security, and control, which might not make this period as straightforward as we'd like. It can be viewed as the mine-ours or simple-complex or income-debt polarity.

And what does the sky tell us about this Taurus lunar eclipse of 2023? This eclipse serves as a final opportunity to make improvements in this life polarity within our charts, and feelings of inadequacy can be amplified. Something has been building inside us, and it's a swift, intense time to resolve matters, strike a balance, learn a lesson, and move forward. With no planets in air signs, we need to put in effort to think clearly, connect, and engage in discussions. We have the chance to manage our commitments while maintaining the necessary emotional boundaries.

Emotional boundaries will be important because, and this might manifest in a partnership or relationship, we might feel a well of strong emotions has built up that wants to erupt through powerful words. We may feel a compelling need to express, especially when we suddenly realize what has been missing, which becomes strikingly clear in an exaggerated manner. Now, perhaps amidst some chaos and drama, we recognize the areas of excessive dependence and the need for more self-love. It might take some time, practice, and refinement, but eventually, we find the right balance.

We step up and out, brave and fresh, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Taurus 6: A bridge being built across a gorge

James Burgess describes this as building bridges to end separation.

Detox breathwork

Taurus rules the neck, larynx, throat, vocal cords, thyroid gland, tonsils, Adam's apple, so give those areas some love.

"Guilt is always hungry, don't let it consume you." – Terri Guillements


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