Full Super Moon in Pisces | August 31

Full Super Moon in Pisces
August 31, 09:35 Bali time

Los Angeles: August 30 18:35

New York: August 30 21:35

London: August 31 02:35

Sydney: August 31 11:35

Keywords: New boundaries

"The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none." - Unknown

On August 31, we will have our annual Full Moon in Pisces, which will be strong and close to Earth. It is a time of culmination, illumination, and reflection. The light shines from the Sun in Virgo, which is analytical and discerning, focusing on health, movement, effort, and daily routines. The Moon reflects that light to us from Pisces, through the lens of compassion, idealism, and access to the world beyond worlds. Along this polarity, we balance our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs so that we can serve the universe by giving and receiving.

And what does the sky advise about this Pisces Full Moon of 2023? During this lunation, we are truly supported by the universe to feel the spirits of the ancestors impart their wisdom to us about what is truly of lasting value. With this insight, we can build a boat to carry us on the ocean for which we yearn. We need that vessel, we need boundaries so we don’t drown but navigate effectively. This might manifest in the form of a relationship, opposition, or a very tough decision to make. It could be something entirely new for us to undertake, but we must flip the script on the past.

Our guidance is to be discerning, to see the truth, grasp reality, and adhere to our principles. Even if today feels like a huge sacrifice of something we love, something we truly desire, we must be prepared to let go of it, to give it up in order to prioritize loving ourselves first and foremost. This is what matters most. It’s important to be crystal clear about this because being passive-aggressive will undermine the entire purpose. Neither should we go along to get along when we find ourselves on the receiving end. With firm and clear boundaries, strong and stable principles, only then will we reap the long-term rewards. And they will be worth it!

We float, calm and sure, protected, so we can be safely vulnerable, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Pisces 8: Girl blowing a bugle.

James Burgess sees this rebelliousness as a sign of imminent change. Times are changing rapidly, and those of us who recognize this are capable of announcing it to those who cannot. “Herald your knowledge, proclaim it.”

Breathwork for sleep is a good choice for this lunation.
Pisces rules the feet, toes, the pituitary gland, pineal gland (third eye), endorphin, melatonin. Good vibes when good, depression and regret when not so good.

"Lack of boundaries invites lack of respect." - Unknown

“If you spend your life sparing people's feelings and feeding their vanity, you get so you can't distinguish what should be respected in them." - F. Scott Fitzgerald


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