Full Moon in Capricorn | July 3

Full Moon in Capricorn
July 3, 19:38 Bali time

Los Angeles: 3 July 04:38

New York: 3 July 07:38

London: 3 July 12:38

Sydney: 3 July 21:38


Keywords: Flow upwards

"Sometimes the hardest things in life are the things most worth doing. Just because we haven't figured them out yet doesn't mean we won't." - Richard Castle

On July 3, we will have our annual Full Moon in Capricorn. This is a fortnight to trust within, to nurture our inner parent, our inner authority, and to feel the emotional strength flow through our physical bodies without words, without overthinking.

Capricorn, a Cardinal Earth sign, is represented by the nimble sea-goat. The Moon, the planet of emotional security and the lens through which we see the past, plays a significant role in how we de-stress. The Moon in Capricorn loves a goal and is creative, flowing through deep oceans and up rocky mountains. It guides us through the ebbs and flows of everyday life, elegantly moving upwards. It reflects the light of the Sun in Cancer, illuminating where our emotional security lies and who will support and encourage us along the way.

And what does the sky advise during this Capricorn full moon of 2023? This lunation encourages us to find our flow state. Our bodies may feel heavy and burdened, as if there is a lot of work to do, and we may not know how to make ourselves feel better, more secure, or emotionally in the right place. Yet, we just had a flash of brilliance. We can intuit and sense that there are safe, sound, and beautiful paths available. These paths may not be shortcuts; they require work. However, we can tap into a delicious, stable state of gratitude. We have faith that this is worth our investment, and enlightenment will illuminate the journey. The journey itself can be extremely rewarding, in addition to the golden prize at the end.

It's like having a picnic at the foot of a really tall hill. Some people may say, "Nah, you go up. I prefer to sit at the base, enjoy cake and lemonade, take a nap, and then go home." Others are grateful they got to be here. They want the glorious view, hospitality, and the big reward waiting at the top of the hill. So, they trek the slow, winding path up, following a clear, bubbling stream, enjoying the exercise and fresh air. Along the way, they explore nature, meet wonderful creatures, and encounter incredible plants. At the top of the hill, they find a Michelin-star restaurant giving away delicious food on the scenic balcony and a bag of gold as a welcome gift. It's truly an Instagrammable day!

So we choose to strive, keeping our eye on the prize, and enjoying the trek. Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Capricorn 12: A student of Nature lecturing. Dane Rudhyar interpreted it as: "An illustrated lecture on natural science reveals little-known aspects of life."

Yoga pose: Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

Capricorn rules the knees, joints, tendons, ligaments, skeletal system, and teeth; skin and aging.

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." - Bill Bradley


New Moon in Cancer | July 18


New Moon in Gemini | June 18