Releasing Self Judgment | Loving Yourself With Kindness + Compassion

Releasing Self Judgment | Loving Yourself With Kindness + Compassion

“Kindness is like snow- It beautifies everything it covers.”

– Kahlil Gibran

I love this quote. It’s the perfect way to describe the beauty of kindness.

When we genuinely express it, we kiss the world like the sun spreads its rays on the earth.

But like anything in life - kindness and compassion first start within.

It sounds quite simple, yet understanding this can change your entire perspective on life and how you see.

If we can look at ourselves first very deeply, seeing where we have strayed from our own hearts and been swept away by the content of the mind, then we can have compassion for all the actions that have stemmed from this limited perspective of our beliefs.

We can see that whatever has happened not from a place of love, but from the viewpoint, hurts and past experiences of the character we call ‘me’, was not a fault of our own to be burdened with, but a product of all that we had accumulated along our life’s journey, the beliefs and conditioning from which we operate.

Through becoming aware of this programmed behavior, we can look at this from a clear view and see it for what it is. There is no ownership of this programming, and therefore no need for guilt, shame, anger, blame etc. It is what it is.

If we can truly see that all humans have been operating from these programs of different beliefs, then we are able to have compassion first for our own behavior as a result of this and also others. Kindness and compassion naturally arise, for we were unaware of where we were operating from. And it’s okay.

It’s okay that we were caught in a character.

It’s understandable that from our hurts we reacted to triggering stimulus in a protective way.

It’s perfect actually, because it’s what led us to enquire within. To look at ourselves, and see the mind's mechanics, watch its workings from the unconditioned place - our hearts.

When you see that everyone has been programmed with hand-me-down beliefs to some degree. That we have all been caught up in our conditioned minds, then there really is no self judgment to be rid of, because it was happening without you being aware! Self love then is not  something you need to work at, because it is naturally there when the chaotic stories of the mind are not pursued.

You, nor anyone else have done anything wrong, your view was just temporarily limited.

When you see this, you set yourself and everybody else free from judgment and embrace your loving nature. Kindness and compassion naturally radiate out of you.

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