Full Moon In Gemini | 8th December

Full Moon in Gemini | 8th December | 12:07 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: 7 Dec 20:07
New York: 7 Dec 23:07
London: 8 Dec 04:07
Sydney: 8 Dec 15:07

Keyword: Scattered lightening

On December 8th, we will have our annual Full Moon in Gemini, the last full moon of 2022. Gemini, Mutable Air, is symbolised by the twins, representing the turning of the season, adjusting to the situation. Full moons are a time of completion and illumination. Here we reflect on where our journey has taken us so far, and ask questions to see if we’ve covered all the angles. The Sun opposite in the sky, in Sagittarius, shines the light to illuminate our thoughts: we see the big picture, the distant vision. This axis represents the information-knowledge polarity.

The moon in Gemini is a mind in constant motion, curious, energetic, sociable. What does the sky advise this Gemini full moon of 2022? This lunation is on fire, as right up close next to it is the planet Mars. Mars is the planet of heat and energy. It adds motivation and action, and sometimes likes to make a cut. As Mars is travelling retrograde, it is intense and questioning. What are we spending our energy on? Is it taking us in the right direction or do we need to cut something out?

This could leave us feeling a little too fiery and overthinking things. In a nice helpful aspect, the planet Saturn cools us down, and reminds us to be objective, remember the long-term plan. So too the ruler of this Moon-Mars combination is Mercury, the planet of messages, words and thoughts, in Capricorn the sign of seriousness and planning, so we have another reminder to keep our cool. Mercury will soon retrograde in Capricorn so we can adjust those plans in a few weeks anyway.

The other good news is that though this lunation looks like a hot one, with a chance of words and tempers flying, in 12-24 hours the moon leaves Mars behind and moves into a square with Neptune then Jupiter in Pisces. That gives a chill, dreamy vibe full of imagination and inspiration. A lovely change!

So with the Gemini information we’ve gathered, we keep our cool, we slow our mind down, and we use up that fiery energy in a clever, productive way. And we party, as Gemini is great to meet friends for lively conversation.

Smart, fun and light, you are Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Gemini 17:

The head of a handsome youthful athlete slowly changes into a different type of beauty, the mature thinker.

Tai Chi

''If I had to name my greatest strength, I guess it would be my humility. Greatest weakness, it's possible that I'm a little too awesome.''

~  Barack Obama, smart and funny Gemini moon 

“I believe that if you’ll just stand up and go, life will open up for you.”

~ Tina Turner, Sagittarius sun and Gemini moon

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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