New Moon in Sagitarius | 24 th November

New Moon in Sagitarius | 24 th November | 06:57 Bali time

Los Angeles: 23 Nov 14:57

New York: 23 Nov 17:57

London: 23 Nov 22:57

Sydney: 24 Nov 09:57

Keywords: In the Big Picture, Anything is Possible with Wisdom

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung

On November 24th, we will have our annual New Moon in Sagittarius. New moons are a time of the new: ideas, intention, plans. Darkness covers the night, there is no moonlight. Our emotions and our creative vitality are fully together. In Sagittarius this is a fortnight to look beyond the obvious, and find meaning in something greater, beyond the horizon. This is the first new moon in Sag without an eclipse for a couple of years so we can fully channel the pure optimism and adventure of the sign.

Sagittarius, Mutable Fire, is represented by the Archer and by the Centaur. An arrow is aimed far away into the distance. Man is above his animal instincts. The Sun in Sagittarius indicates the last month before the shortest day of the year. Soon the days will get longer. Opportunity will come to work hard. But for what, what do we believe, what are we working towards, what’s possible? When Sagittarius is at their best, they are willing to take a risk to find the answers. They need freedom to experiment, to travel, to explore possibilities, to learn, to adventure.

And what does the sky advise this Sagittarius new moon of 2022? After the last few weeks of shocks, where things seemed to turn upside down, with a lot of down, now what? We let go of the past so we can look towards the future and take action. No fear, no shame, no regrets. That is how we look to the opportunity contained in any recent crisis.

This new moon there will be challenges; there might even be arguments. There will be choices. There will be decisions. Imagination is strong so we must be doubly careful not to fall into illusion, to deceive ourselves or others, or to ignore what our gut is telling us. But we can feel the energies gathering for us to use. With faith, we fly, high, free, towards a vision of the future.

We take action, with hope, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Sagittarius 2: The ocean covered with whitecaps

With the ruler of this new moon, Jupiter, at home in his ocean home of Pisces, this image of an ocean covered with whitecaps makes me think of a faith in the depths of wisdom and calm, no matter what winds and storms are on the surface.

Breath of Fire yoga

“When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

— John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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