Full Moon In Taurus & Total Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon in Taurus | 8th November | 7:01 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: 8 Nov 03:01

New York:8 Nov 06:01

London: 8 Nov 11:01

Sydney: 8 Nov 22:01

Keywords: Financial change, deep emotions

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”Socrates

On Nov 8th, we will have our annual Full Moon in Taurus. This year there is added spice as the lunation is a total lunar eclipse.The earth’s shadow falls across the face of a full moon, bathing it in a dark red colour.

Taurus, Fixed Earth, is symbolised by the bull, representing financial stability and material enjoyment. The Moon here feels secure like this and it is her favourite sign to relax in. The Sun at a full moon is opposite the Moon in the sky giving us clarity about what must end in this cycle. The Sun in Scorpio is determined to investigate through deep, intense experiences. This polarity likes stability, security and control so it might not feel as easy as we’d like.

And what does the sky tell us about this Taurus full moon of 2022? This lunation is together with Uranus, the planet of sudden change, which is also the nature of eclipses, which speed up events. So changes we were expecting in the far future may happen sooner than we expect, suddenly. In Taurus where the Moon is usually happily stable, we may feel unusually unstable. Our tastes can change, as Taurus is about physical enjoyment, so it’s a good time to drop bad food habits. The trick is to take advantage of things moving when we are used to them being fixed, and achieve our goals even faster. The Sun in Scorpio can handle some intense emotions that come with this process. Change involves letting go of the old so a new you can be reborn.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is also with the Sun in Scorpio. Where she’s used to being a Queen in her comfortable home of Taurus, in Scorpio she has to deal with messy emotions. What she needs here to give us her wealth and her harmony is to be deep, honest and vulnerable. We have to be honest with ourselves and be clear about our deepest fears and desires before we can work to make our dreams come true.

The lunation is square Square in Aquarius, which highlights the difficulty we have experienced in managing our old commitments or sticking to what we thought was right. Saturn here tells us to have our own opinion, take responsibility for ourselves, and not feel anxious about it. If we have lost something before, this is not a good reason to hold on to the past. This time helps us to let go and to move forward without fear. We can see now the links and how it all comes together, following a theme.

A brand new you is being born, have the courage to start fresh, without fear, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Taurus 16: An old teacher fails to interest his pupils in traditional knowledge.

Keynote: The inadequacy of past knowledge in time of crisis.

I’m thinking keep up the hard work, but try a brand new direction.

 Pose Yoga : Detox breathwork

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”

— Lao Tzu

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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