New Moon in Aquarius | Tuesday, February 1st | 14:45 PM | Bali Time

New Moon in Aquarius| Tuesday, February 1st | 14:45 PM | Bali Time

Aquarius Mantra: I know
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Saturn (in traditional astrology) and Uranus (in modern astrology)

I love to be different. My uniqueness is my superpower!

Are you ready for changes? The New Moon in Aquarius is here with a wind of change, renewals, and opening our eyes to certain situations. Do you already feel it? The New Moon comes with an energy of freedom and awakenings. But before we talk about this event, let’s remember what happens on a New Moon.

Essentially, a New Moon announces new beginnings, a moment to get clear on our dreams and goals once a month. It’s the perfect time for setting intentions that come from the heart.

This New Moon falls into the energy of the most highly independent and detached sign of all, Aquarius. It’s the sign that encourages involvement in groups and the exchange of ideas. Aquarian often has strong social awareness and humanitarian visions of a more ideal future. Some people get confused about the star sign Aquarius as it is represented by the Water Bearer, so they think that it is a sign of water, but it’s an air sign, and as such it tends to live a lot inside its own head. Its symbol, the Water Bearer, represents the waters of knowledge for the benefit of all humanity. Aquarius represents the ideal of a just and enlightened society.

The energy of Aquarius reminds us to release and let go of attachment at this New Moon. Remember that Saturn (in the traditional astrology) and Uranus, are the planets that rules it. That means we have to acknowledge the rules but don’t always play by them.

Aquarius is the sign of truth, so use the New Moon to ask yourself if you’re giving yourself the space to be your true, own unique self.

This New Moon in Aquarius bring us:

  • Detachment and clarity.

  • Perfect to build a community a sense of collaboration.

  • Come up with a new idea or invention or solution.

  • Uranus will bring surprises and Mars is going to activated the awakening of many people.

  • Financial secrets are coming to light. 

  • A lot of truth about science.

  • Very strong futuristic energy.

  • And Chiron the wounded healer, conjunct with Salacia the wife of Neptune, this means that new light codes come to help the healers.

Some tips from me for this New Moon Manifestation:

  • Check where is Aquarius in your chart, wherever you have it you don’t care so much what other people think of you.

  • Remember that Aquarius is the sign of truth so align your intentions with what your heart truly desires.

  • The secret of manifestation is to feel your intentions as if they’ve already happened.

  • Aquarius is also represented by the rebellious teenager, so the best advice I can give you is to intention in a creative, fun and different way. Enjoy to set your intentions!

Some people call Aquarius the black sheep for been so different, but that’s exactly what their super power is!  So, the more Aquarius you’re, the more you need to embrace your eccentricities.  

I share with you a playlist so you can dance at the rhythm of this revolutionary energy!

**Aquarius, remember that you can book now your Solar Return session. The solar return chart is an astrology chart that’s calculated for the exact moment the Sun returns to its “natal” or birth position. It’s an excellent tool to help you assess and predict the themes that will arise for you during your next “solar year” the 12 months that happen from one birthday to the next.**

Have a revolutionary and renewal New Moon in Aquarius!

With Love

Mai Martinez

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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