True Abundance Is an Inside Job | Seeing Through the Eyes of Reality

True Abundance Is An Inside Job | Seeing Through the Eyes of Reality

One of the biggest blocks to our ability to create what we want is our abundance and money mindset. Money can be such a space of resistance for us. From the conditioning of society and our families, we see the world through a very limited perspective based on what is handed down - and quite often we don’t even realize that these thoughts are untrue, yet we manifest their existence through our continued belief fuelling them to live through us.

So how do we course correct? - Being abundant begins with feeling abundant. Whatever we’re thinking about money, resources, and possibilities leads to how we feel about money, resources, and possibilities and that feeling gives off an energy. That energy either supports our earning and creative capacity or hurts it.

Energy is currency. If we want to use our energy efficiently, then we need to clean up our thoughts and beliefs about money.

As we open up to shifting our beliefs around abundance, we clear the blocks and make a new path…

The first step to clearing those blocks is to become conscious of them. We have to uncover our beliefs to bring them to the light. And the biggest block to Abundance…

A Lack Mentality

I think that the biggest block to abundance is a lack mentality. You may believe that you will never have enough, that you will never be enough, or that there is too much lack in the world. When we languish in this lack mentality we are convinced that we’ll never achieve abundance and it creates a feeling of insecurity.

The good news is, we can debunk this, by looking at it through non judgemental eyes, and assessing the facts.

If we look at science - the Universe is infinite, which implies that the only thing that cannot exist is lack. Meaning that only abundance exists. Hmmm… (cue brain going to every lack example it can find).

Let’s look more closely at this - In a Universe that is infinite - there are no victims, no ‘one’ who lacks. One only manifests this condition through a perception and belief in lack, because if infinity does exist, then that means that you are infinity. So how can you lack?

What does that mean for the condition of our lives then? - That everything exists. Everything is available to you, so long as you recognise this. If you believe that you are worthy of something, the universe extends its hand to you. If you don’t believe that something is available to you, or you are not worthy of it - well you are the Universe so you are literally empowering that belief into existence.

We come up with these ideas that we are not worthy of something, or we might not possess the ability to do something, or get something, or the resources aren’t available. This kind of lack and poverty mentality or unworthiness mentality is the subtle way that the conditioning of the mind sneaks in and prevents us from taking full responsibility for our lives.

It's a harsh truth that is uncomfortable to face, that whatever is in our existence is there because we have manifested it here. You always have what you want. Whatever is there is there because in some way consciously or unconsciously you have desired and empowered it to be there.

Empowerment begins when victimhood ends. We have to drop the victim mentality if we want to be our most authentic selves. 

How do we do the work?

Witness Your Blocks and Choose Again

Witness your own blocks to abundance. See in your own way, what is your lack mentality? How do you feel better than or less than when it comes to financial security? How does the story that there isn’t enough to go around show up for you?

Start to become very conscious. Throughout the day, pay attention to your thoughts and energy, as well as your behavior around money and abundance.

When you notice those fearful thoughts around money, use the moment to bring your attention to the blank space of reality and direct your attention away from the tales of the mind and come back to the body, the breath, and your surroundings in this moment.

How about we reimagine a world where only abundance exists - through seeing the world without layers of stories… If you are the universe itself - you are already worthy of whatever you want. This shift in perspective is a game-changer! 

Consciously Manifest

What is it that you want? According to the law of attraction - you attract what you are. If you want something big - in order to manifest it we need to put out a big energetic output. We need to be consistent in abiding in the recognition that we are the universe and not get pulled around by the mind creating conflict with old belief patterns and stories vying for our attention, so that our energy is directed toward new possibilities and abundance. 

To Summarize

Abundance truly is an inside job. We are all the creators of reality through our energetic investment. Our job then is to remain in our natural state and see that ONLY ABUNDANCE EXISTS - To see from a new point of view. To see that abundance is our natural birthright, it is what we are naturally. It is only stories and beliefs that keep us stuck in cycles of lack. 

In my experience, all the work comes back to seeing what you are not. And when we see clearly illusions fade and reality remains.

Much love,

Jemma xo

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New Moon in Aquarius | Tuesday, February 1st | 14:45 PM | Bali Time