5 Ways to Discover Your Passion & Celebrate Your Uniqueness

5 Ways to Discover Your Passion & Celebrate Your Uniqueness

“Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

I really love this quote, as it reminds us to live with self-love by listening to our hearts over the noise in our heads and unapologetically follow what lights us up. When we find something we’re passionate about, and dedicate our energy to that - we welcome love to move us moment to moment.

Do all things with love and you can’t help but manifest beauty and joy!

It may sound cheesy, but it’s so true. Have you ever admired someone’s expression, whether it be them moving beautifully as a figure skater, making visually stunning houses or furniture as a carpenter, an artist’s paintings, the uplifting harmonies of a singer that hit you straight in the heart or get you up and dancing in a second, or a delicious home baked cake made with love - I could go on and on! Whatever someone’s expression is - when it is done through love and passion it is automatically of next level quality. 

Whether you share your passion with immediate family or the world, for fun and joy or to make a living, whatever you do from a true expression  of passion it will naturally fulfill you and impact others in a positive way - without you even trying for an outcome.

Do you know what you are passionate about? Are you already dedicating energy to your passions? Or are you just starting to discover what gives you full body tingles, and energises you from the inside out..?

Learning how to find your passion may seem a little daunting, but it’s worth the investment…

Imagine getting up early each day and jumping out of bed, excited to go to work on your passions - in a state of mind, often referred to as ‘flow’ where you can lose track of the world and time, losing yourself in the task at hand. Work is not work as many people refer to it, but something that is fun and interesting and exciting. It’s not a job but a passion that leads to a fulfilling life. Mmm. Sounds like a delicious way to live.

So let’s get to it, with five simple tips to reflect upon and action to help you uncover your passion and honour your uniqueness.

1. Slow Down

When we slow down, we are able to tune into and notice what our inner guidance is naturally steering us towards, what we are interested in and gravitate to. Slowing down allows us to quiet the outside voices and listen to ourselves.

Action: Slowing down might mean putting your phone into flight mode and dedicating space to being less consumed. It could look like practicing yoga, going for daily walks, or setting aside time each day to  journal or quietly reflect. 

2. Change Your Story

We all tell ourselves stories about who we are, what we’re capable of, and what we deserve. 

Action: If we can identify our self-limiting stories (I’m not good enough; I don’t deserve to be happy, etc.), simply by watching the things that pop up on the screen of the mind then we can begin writing new stories that are grounded in confidence and courage.

3. Own Your Uniqueness

We are here manifesting as ourselves for a reason. No one else has your unique blend of talents, wisdom, strengths, skills, and creativity. We all have something great to offer, and learning to accept and own what makes you unique is crucial to sharing your gifts with the world.

Action: Reflect on and write down what makes you unique. Write as if you are a friend viewing you. Read it back and appreciate and celebrate the magic that you are!

4. Focus on the Fun

Too often we get wrapped up in the expectations we set for ourselves. We focus on the details and the to-do lists instead of what is most important. What do you love to do? What makes you smile? If money were limitless, what would you be doing today?

Action: Write down all the things you love to do. Stick your ‘Love List’ somewhere you’ll see it and aim to do one or more of your loves each day.

5. Push Past Fear

It’s so seductive to tell ourselves that we’ll go after what we want when we have more experience, more money, or more time, but the truth is, that will never happen. 

Action: See the excuses that act as masks for our fear. Get clear on our fears and recognize how they are holding you back and move forward as if today was your last.

The world is so much more beautiful for our individual flavours and expressions. Just like a garden filled with an array of flowers. We make the world with our uniqueness.

Celebrating you and your passions.


Much love,

Jemma xo

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