Full Moon in Gemini | Sunday, December 19 | 12.35 | Bali Time

Full Moon in Gemini | Sunday, December 19 | 12.35 | Bali Time

Gemini Mantra: I think

Element: Air

Quality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury

“I Keep My Mind Open but My Heart Steady”

We are getting ready to say goodbye to 2021. With the last full moon of the year, an expansive Full Moon in Gemini – which will take place on December 18 or 19, depending on where you are. This Moon gives us the opportunity to reflect, evaluate and appreciate everything that has happened to us in the year.

As a reminder: a full moon marks the end of a lunar cycle, a culmination time, a moment of clarity that helps us to do inner work. It´s a time for us to be still and observe, to release toxic thoughts, habits, and negative patterns. It is an ideal time to practice forgiveness and gratitude.

Now let´s talk about the sign that will influence this full moon: Gemini, the twins.

Gemini are the thinkers and talkers of the zodiac. This sign is the most intellectual and I´m not saying that because I´m a Gemini. ;o)

The Gemini knows a little about everything but lacks the concentration to focus on something for long. Gemini is the original dual personality that can be bright, communicative and charming in one moment, having a touch of the child. Wherever you have Gemini in your natal chart, there´s a playfulness and a willingness to learn and connect mentally.

Now you know how we are going feel energetically with this full moon: we have to open our minds to connect with the expansive energy that Jupiter will give us. Jupiter will expand upon anything you put your energy into around the days of the full moon.

In particular this Full Moon in Gemini asks us to find balance between our mind and our heart, between logic and intuition. It is a time of great announcements, of communicating or launching something, of feeling that we have reached that moment of a project in which we want to talk about it all or even go public with it.

Some Important Aspects of This Full Moon

  • We will have the desire to communicate new projects or other issues that have to do with health or healing.

  • This Full Moon in Gemini will influence everyone but Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius may feel this energy most deeply.

  • This is a period of great proposals.

  • Announcements can be on serious topics, and we might finally be communicating changes that we hate making.

  • Prepare for surprises!

 I would like to share with you a ritual to take advantage of the energy of this Full Moon:

What you need for the ritual?

  • Your Journal

  • A white candle

  • A piece of white paper

  • White plate

  • Sugar

  1. Place the candle on the white plate.

  2. Surround the candle with a circle of sugar (represents the Love and being gentle with yourself).

  3. Write your Full Name in a little piece of white paper and place it under the candle.

  4. Turn on the music that connects you with your heart.

  5. Write in your journal everything you achieved in your year.

  6. When you finish, go straight to a mirror, close your eyes and say out loud:

    “Thank you for being brave darling, for loving yourself, for opening the path to freedom.”

Don´t be so hard on yourself. Shut up the mind. And be grateful with that wonderful being that you have in front of the mirror.

Remember to use your mind to connect with expansive thoughts.

“I am not my mind, I direct my mind”

Sharing the last Playlist of the Year here with you.

Happy Full Moon in Gemini - Dance, Play and Enjoy the Last Full Moon of the Year!

Sending lots of Love

Mai Martínez

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her (estoy@abriendomisalas.com) if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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