The Strength to Commit
The Strength to Commit | 3 Simple Steps to Achieve Your Goals & Make Your Resolutions Stick!
Happy New Year!
While January is traditionally thought to be the perfect time to create change (hello, every “New Year, New You” meme popping up in our IG feeds), unfortunately creating long-lasting results can be a challenge.
Let’s be honest, setting goals is easy, anyone can do it. The challenging part is in the execution. To show up, commit and stick to our goals, that’s where our mindset plus applied action comes into play. There isn’t a magic pill or quick fix to instantly make our goals happen, it is the strength to remain consistent that creates true lasting change.
So what is the best way to confidently set out to fulfill your resolutions? The old favourites:
Repetition and Consistency
Why? Because when you repeat a new behavior you can effortlessly create permanent change. Studies show that when you repeat a new practice for 21 days you can shift the neural pathways in your brain. Just by repeating new behaviors, we turn them into positive, long-lasting habits. Ta Da!
Here are 3 Simple Steps to Enhance Your Strength and Perseverance to Stay Committed to Your Goals:
1. Write It Down
Write down your goal and your reason for doing this. WHY are you committed to a daily yoga practice? Is it because you want to start the day with a clear mind? Or perhaps you want to build your strength, or become a pro at arm balances?
By writing something down in a physical notebook or on a piece of paper can help you to remember it and stay strong in your focus and commitment. Getting crystal clear on what you want and having it documented is the best way to get in the right mindset to achieve your goals.
2. Hold Yourself Accountable
You’ve probably heard this a million times, but it is one of the most important principles when it comes to keeping your commitment. Think about it, you will never skip meetings, right? But why do you skip taking action on your goals?
The reason is simple – you are accountable for your meetings. People, your colleagues, your managers, your partners, and your boss are waiting for you at the meeting. But when it comes to your goals, no one is there to hold you accountable. And this is why you need to create an accountability system so that you will never procrastinate on doing it. This is especially true if you are trying to achieve personal goals that you keep to yourself. Nobody knows your plan, and so it becomes easier for you to slack off and procrastinate.
From today onwards, don’t keep your goals and plans to just yourself. Share them with someone who will support you. Let others know about them. Tell them what you’re going to achieve and how you’re progressing. When you do so, your strength in commitment will increase – a lot!
3. Appreciate & Celebrate Your Successes (no matter how small)
>> Focusing on everything you appreciate attracts more of it to you. <<
Reflection or journaling will set you up to win … all day long. And it’s so simple! Right from when you wake up, either reflect upon internally or grab your notebook and write out what you appreciate. It can be as simple as, “I appreciate my bed” or “I appreciate the space I have in my day to dedicate time to my passions… ” Feel that high-vibe energy as you say/write each word.
Then, before bed, write down your wins for the day. Closing out the day by celebrating your magic moments is a great way to see, in real time, the progress you’re making.
Write down or simply reflect on all the wins you had that day—even if they seem small, like being on time for a meeting, or the kind interactions you had with the server in the coffee shop (this is especially helpful if you have a busy brain at night or trouble sleeping). When you shift your focus onto all that is going well - you train your brain to see more of the good, making succeeding at your goals enjoyable each step of the way.
If you’re inspired to create permanent change and cultivate strong positive habits, you can also join RA’s Live Challenges to help stay accountable in different areas of your life - the first one starts this month - 9th January 2022. You can learn more here.
Wishing you strength in your consistency, inspired action and joy in committing to your goals each step of the way.
Jemma xo
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