A Moment of Passion

A Moment of Passion

I’ve had many passions throughout my life. Some lasted a few years, others just a few months. Some I have no idea why I did, and others I miss now and then. The ones that lasted and are still lasting bring me the most joy, peace, and euphoria at the same time. These are the things that take me into that moment where time holds its breath, where I feel everything amplified and vibrant, when I truly get lost in a moment of passion.

Oftentimes the longer we immerse into a passion, the more likely we might be so good at it that we eventually make it into a job or career. Or, in way simpler terms, to get paid doing what you love doing! I’d much rather do that than something I don’t like just because it’s safe and secure. Imagine waking up and being so utterly excited to go do what you love doing - every damn day. And if you are doing this right now - congratulations! And if you aren’t - what is stopping you from going for your passion right now?

The Main Ingredient in Passion is Pure Presence

Whether it is painting, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, accounting (yes, that can be a passion!) cutting hair, riding a bike, writing a novel or a shopping list, when we do something with pure presence and intention, we drift into a moment of passion. I think we all remember a moment watching a musician or dancer get totally lost in the moment and we were mesmerised until we forgot to breathe. And so, passion is highly contagious.

 I’ve always had a passion for writing. Poetry, screenplays, Instagram posts, academic essays, and private messages to loved ones. It’s one of those passions where I get lost in the moment of spilling words onto the screen or let the pen dance on paper. It has helped me to become more expressive and imaginative. It’s the passion that recognises the same passion in others, if someone tells me they write, I want to read it, I want to listen to it, I want to experience their creativity, to get lost in their moment of passion.

Another Passion of Mine is Body Awareness

Both on the mat with a fluid flow, or a joint intelligent exploration, it’s also lifting weights and finding the edges of fatigue and failure dancing upon strength and structure. It’s how I hold myself in difficult situations, it’s how I can’t contain myself when I am ecstatic, it’s in the way I walk and feel the earth beneath me, it’s how I move between people while walking on a busy street. My passion for movement brings me so much awareness of every little thing happening, as if every whisper of the body becomes a song in motion. And this too, I see the passion in others, whether the person sees it themselves or not. I love observing and witnessing how people hold themselves up while moving, lifting, pushing, pulling, sitting, standing, dancing. It’s like a language of movement that I can understand without words.

 And that brings me to one of my greatest passions - dance. I’ve danced in some ways my whole life, but I didn’t feel connected to my body, and the emotional dance within until I moved to Bali almost 6 years ago. Even in my 20s and 30s when I went out clubbing in my hometown, I went out sober amongst the weekend drinking culture, and I didn’t realise until I started dancing here that I was so restrained, stiff, and afraid to be judged and let alone seen by others while dancing. As I started going to ecstatic dances here in Bali, where it’s common to be sober, barefoot, and mostly non-speaking, it was initially super scary and weird. But something brought me closer to myself and after a few times I would totally get lost in the moment of passion where my whole body felt more free, fluid, and expressive than ever before. And so dance is a passion of mine I express almost on a daily basis, where no matter how I feel, I can dance with it. If frustration is present, I can play with it, get silly and slowly let it transform into something else. If there is sadness, with tears emerging, I let the softness gently lull me into a sway that tends to the sadness until it leaks out of me with tears and sweat. If I feel confident and strong, I become wild and wanton, as if I feel no shackles or bounds holding me back.

Passions Within Will Awaken Other People’s Passions as Well

The passion in me sees the passion in you! If you have a passion and it might be something you do in your own private space, what holds you back from sharing it? And it doesn’t have to be big, just start small. Maybe you love cooking, then just invite some friends over for dinner. Perhaps you love taking photos, give some of your time to photograph a dear friend. You might be a passionate singer, start posting some videos online!

Awakening ones passions will certainly help you cross paths with likeminded people. It will present to you opportunities that you can’t imagine right now. It will certainly take you places you never expected, both internally and externally. And most importantly, it will invite far more of these moments of passion where you feel nothing but presence and joy.

And it doesn’t take a lot to recognise our passion, albeit we might search and try really hard because we desperately want to find something of passion. Let yourself slow down, there is no need to rush, because the thing you want to love doing is most likely the thing you are already doing in some way. Sometimes we just need to let it grow and take a form of its own. And so maybe one day, we will look back and see all those moments of passion erupting without knowing at that time and we go “oh, now I get it…”

For instance, look around you, the space you are in right now, the people around you, the thoughts you are having and the emotions you are feeling. Feel into your body, what feels strong, what feels connected, what feels like home? Remember what brought you here. Remember every choice that brought you to this very moment. Remember every person that inspired you. Remember your favourite books, albums, and movies. Remember the challenges you’ve endured and the successes you’ve celebrated. Remember the things that makes you smile, laugh, feel warm and alive. All of those moments came from a sense of passion. A guidance for something more, for a moment of bliss, of getting lost in the present moment. Therein rests the passion, ready to erupt and express itself through you. Will you heed the call? Your moment of passion awaits.

About the Author

Chris Fox is a mobility specialist and movement coach focusing on joint health, body awareness, and how to reduce pain with active bodywork. With the Fox Method, he helps people to get a stronger connection to their body, by isolating joint awareness, activating body control, and integrating healthier movement habits.

If you want to work on your mobility and stability, increase more body awareness and reduce pain to feel more light and alive, you can contact Chris for a session: thisischrisfox@gmail.com

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