6 Reasons To Become A Yoga Teacher - In Person Or From The Comfort Of Your Home

6 Reasons to Become a Yoga Teacher - In Person or From the Comfort of Your Home

A Teacher Takes a Hand, Opens a Mind, and Touches a Heart.

Have you been considering becoming a Yoga Teacher, but not 100% certain that it’s the right path for you? Or perhaps you can’t yet envision what kind of Yoga teacher you might be..? Maybe you just haven’t yet found the courage within yourself to step up. We get it. It can be a little daunting to take the first step of starting something new. 

Keep in mind our quote of the month:

Courage is nothing more than taking one step more than you think you can.

- Holly Lisle

If you have already fallen in love with Yoga yourself, then sharing that love with others is kind of a natural progression that arises from your own passion and inspiration for the love of your practice. And it’s not just a movement practice on the mat that tones and strengthens your body - it’s a magic that seeps into all areas of your life.

I think of yoga teachers as a secret society of warriors. 

  • Warrior 1 | is your local yoga teacher whose class you cannot miss (i.e you may have changed your wedding date to attend their retreat in Bali). 

  • Warrior 2 | is the yoga teacher who travels the world hosting convention-sized classes and spreads the love to thousands of yogis through their Instagram.  

  • Warrior 3 | might be the person at the desk across from you at work. They blend in just like you, in class they bend just like you, in life they probably spend just like you, and they also happen to be a yoga teacher.  

Yoga teachers range from the celebrity to the less visible Yogi, teaching on a small scale or simply practicing in their living room each morning sharing the blessing of yoga through their own daily actions. Whatever type of Yogi, they all share the experience of Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), and the positive effects that yoga has on themselves and the world.  

Have You been Thinking About Completing a Yoga Teacher Training Before? Here Are Six Reasons to Investigate Whether It’s Time to Take the Leap:

  1. Expand & deepen your physical practice – Yoga training programs bring students of all physical levels together to learn from each other’s different body types, flexibility levels, and strengths.  Watching a fellow classmate nail their first headstand and break through the walls of self-limitations is a fulfilling part of the training in itself. You know those poses you always hope the instructor skips in class?  Well, you may find yourself learning to love them as you study and embody the correct alignment, modifications, and benefits of each pose in detail. Growth is super empowering.

  2. Learn new skills – Whether you want to expand your skills for your own personal empowerment and growth, or you want to become self-employed, earning your YYT is something to add to your list of skills. Becoming a yoga teacher offers the freedom of self-employment as well as the flexibility of teaching both locally and internationally. The need for and popularity of yoga means the world truly is your oyster.

  3. Find your yoga family – If there is one underrated benefit of a YTT it is the yoga family you will stay connected to years after your last savasana.  While delving deep into your own spiritual and physical practice, you are also supporting the journey of those around you and creating a support network of fellow warriors. Connecting either in-person or online - the deep support and connection shared during this transformative experience together create solid friendships and a network of support for life. Upon your completion of training, your yoga family will expand as you embrace your students, teachers, and community.

  4. Challenge yourself mentally and physically – One of my favorite quotes is “As a beginner your mind is in a million pieces and your body is whole.  As a master your body is in a million pieces and your mind is whole”.  As you deepen your physical practice with components of meditation and pranayama, both physical and mental flexibility naturally happen without force. One of the best things about learning online is that you can replay your favorite lessons again and again!

  5. Transform Into the Best Version of Yourself – Yoga serves to help quiet the mind and attune to our true selves.  Embrace vulnerability and authenticity as you go on an exploration to find your unique voice. Many people who deepen their yoga practice through teacher training leave with a spiritual practice rooted in the understanding that we as humans are all undeniably connected.  This awareness provides the means to live a more conscious life and focus on what matters most.  While a YTT is a very communal and connective practice, one of the greatest benefits of training is self-discovery and time to reflect as you transform through the observation and study of your own inner world.

  6. Become a confident teacher: As if this wasn’t obvious enough.  Once you have completed your YTT you will be a teacher - if you choose to be. You can then use this power to develop your own unique teaching style that is authentic and mindful, teaching intelligent and insightful classes. Think back to teachers who made a positive impact on your life and strive to pay it forward to your own students.  As a teacher, you have the opportunity to create compassionate spaces and give back not only to your students but also to those who may not have access to yoga.  Seek out karma yoga opportunities in local senior centers, prisons, primary schools, and other community outlets.

Now that you have all of the reasons to become a yoga teacher, you will find unending options to commence your training.  At Radiantly Alive, our in-person Training is one of the most famous ones in Asia - and now you can also get certified as a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher with us online!

Radiantly Alive Online Trainings

We know that under the current circumstances it may not be possible for everyone to travel to Bali, so our Online YTT may be the perfect training for you. We feel blessed to be able to run our YTTs in person in our Bali studio, and even more so to share the energy of this sacred land and the ancient teachings of yoga with you wherever you may be. Something unique about our Online YTT is that our online trainings run parallel to our in-person trainings. This means you get to be in the same shala with the students here in Bali, connected through a big screen, joining live sessions, with real interaction between teachers and students - and with you. Still if necessary you will have all the recordings handy to go back to. There is no similar experience out there. You are literally with us in Bali.

Some of the pros of training online with us include:

  • No need to travel - save time & money, and did we mention… no jet lag 😉

  • Can be joined in any time zone

  • Can be done at one’s own convenience - no need to wake up early if you’re not a morning person!

  • Great even for busy people with other responsibilities like work, family, etc

  • The sessions can be joined either live or as recordings or both – great especially if one wants to recap

  • Frequent Saturday Q&A’s Live sessions are specially designed for online students so you can ask questions and share them with your fellow classmates.

  • 1-on-1 feedback sessions

  • Free Access to our ever-growing Radiantly Alive Online Studio 

Whether in person with us here in Bali or Live Online - we'll take you on a journey that you will never forget. Ready to take the leap and join us online -  Click here - or in-person - Click here - for more info. 

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New Moon in Libra | Wednesday, October 6 | 19.05 pm | Bali Time