New Moon in Libra | Wednesday, October 6 | 19.05 pm | Bali Time

New Moon in Libra | Wednesday, October 6 | 19.05 pm | Bali Time

Libra Mantra: I am balanced

Element: Air

Quality: Cardinal (leader)

Ruling Planet: Venus

When I Have Clarity with Myself, I Bring Clarity to All My Relationships

On the evening of October 6, it is the first major lunation of the autumn season, the new moon in Libra. You might have a strong need for balance and harmony now.

First, let´s talk about what is a New Moon? This is the most exciting part of the lunar cycle. It is a time to plant a seed when creation and ideas are coming. When our hearts need to remember that anything is possible. When we are ready to speak to the Universe, meditate on our dreams, which will allow us to tune in to our higher self.

It´s important to know the energy by which the new moon is governed so you can understand the climax of the monthly lunar cycle. This New moon is governed by the energy of Libra.

Libra is the sign of relationships, how we relate to others. Libra loves love and flirting. Libra is the balance, the scale. Its superpower is the ability to create a harmonious atmosphere, no matter the surroundings.

Libra is ruled by Venus, which is also the planet of the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Love. However, Libra is a sign of yang polarity, masculine essence which reminds us to keep a balance between our feminine and masculine energy.

This new moon, the sun, and the moon will be together at 13o of Libra, announcing an energized beginning point that will make it easier to renew all of our relationships and ties. This year we will have a “stellium”, which is a cluster of three or more planets in a single sign or house. The Sun (masculine energy), the Moon (feminine energy), and Mars (the energy of action) creates triple conjunction in the air sign Libra. You can feel the strong air signs in this New Moon supporting connections, communication, and conversations.

Mars makes a conjunction with the luminaries (Sun and the moon), which makes us all feel extra motivated to set our personal intentions and going after what we want. Mars is the sign of “I” and in the new moon it’s visiting the house of “US” this means that it’s a time to analyze and reflect our relationships. Mars could also bring a fight or you become aware of something that you don’t like anymore.

Remember that Mercury is in retrograde so be cautious and bring more clarity and consciousness to every conversation you have. This retrograde helps you to find new solutions when you’re working with others. 

The same day of the new moon Pluto retrograde wakes up and gives us some space to breathe again. On the other side, Venus is finishing her time in Scorpio, so she is moving through higher levels of self-love. So, try to take advantage of this new moon to open new doors within your close relationships or initiate new connections with others.

Wherever you have Libra in your natal chart, it is important to learn to make decisions for yourself and find a balance to bring more harmony to that area of your life.

Ask yourself:

How are you doing when it comes to being a friend, a partner, a co-worker?

How about art? Do you have some of that in your life to make it prettier? If not, get some!

I would love to share a little ritual for this new moon with you:

You will need a Rose Quartz Crystal. Then, stand up, close your eyes and clean all your body with the rose quartz, repeating this mantra three times:




Finally, I have created a playlist for you to dance to this new moon, just click here – and remember: Love is all there is! 

Happy New Moon in Libra!

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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