5 Ways to Live With Passion & Purpose (Even if You Haven’t Yet Found Your Passion)

5 Ways To Live With Passion & Purpose (Even If You Haven’t Yet Found Your Passion)

Have you ever wanted something so badly you put the rest of your life on hold, waiting for that something to happen?

Do you find yourself disgruntled with your life right now because you aren't living with passion the way you long to?

A good example of this, and a common theme in many young women, are waiting to meet the man of their dreams, or biding time and going through the motions of life until their wedding day when true happiness would begin. Maybe you feel this way yourself - you're just ticking days off the calendar until you find your passion and can live a more fulfilling life. Maybe everything that's happening right now is just filler to occupy the space between today and the day you find contentment.

I can relate to this feeling. I've felt the restlessness and emptiness of not being 100% certain of what my passion is, and telling myself that I have to pick one thing that I channel all my energy into. Piling on all this pressure… and why? 

 I believe that because we have been constantly told that we need to ‘become something’ from childhood - we look to end results and an image of who we will be instead of enjoying the moment that we’re in and having fun exploring what lights us up.

I know what it's like to wake up with dread and low-level anxiety, wondering what's wrong with me and why I can't find happiness and fulfillment. Those days when nothing is fun, nothing is meaningful, and you wonder if you are just a hamster running on a never-ending wheel of ‘one day I’ll find my spark’, or ‘one day I’ll get there -- can feel like the most soul-crushing time of your life.

 So, if you don’t quite know what you are passionate about yet fret not! Let’s reframe our perspective and see what passion and beauty we can find in the everyday aspects of living...

Here are 5 ways to live with passion + purpose (even if you haven’t yet found your passion):

In Your Work

If you're unhappy in your work, then you're spending most of your waking hours unhappy — and that's simply unacceptable. Maybe you can't change jobs right now, so what can you do to feel more passionate about your work while you're there?

Begin by getting clear on what you DO like about your job. Write down everything good about your job — the people, space, some elements of the work, your office chair, etc. Be honest with yourself to acknowledge that it isn't all bad. Then look at the one major problem you have with your job. Are there any small positive actions you can take to make things better? Is there anyone you can talk with who might help you? If so, take the actions right away. Finally, try to approach your work with a Zen-like attitude. Even if the work itself is not stimulating or challenging, do it mindfully and gratefully.

As the poet, Kahlil Gibran reminds, “work is love made visible,” even work that isn't your passion.

“And what is it to work with love? It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house. It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit. It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit.”
-Kahlil Gibran, from The Prophet

So beautiful right? This simple change in intention and perspective can radically shift your life and passion.

In Health

Spend time during your day to focus on healthy habits like exercise and good nutrition. This will boost your self-esteem, overall energy, and mood. As you become more proficient at exercise and continue to make good health choices, you may find a healthy lifestyle becomes one of your passions.

In Balance

Look at the areas in your life where you are over-scheduled or prioritizing busy work. Try to eliminate some of these things that are draining your time and energy. Cut back on spending time with people who are negative and unsupportive. If you know you are spending too many hours at work, deliberately make time to spend alone or with loved ones and doing other things you enjoy. Even physical clutter can make you feel unsettled and overwhelmed. Take a day to let go of material things in your home that you no longer want or need.

In Finances

Are you spending to fill the void of your unhappiness? Do you have unpaid debt or are you neglecting to save money?

This is a great time to clean up your financial house. Work on paying down debt, and rather than spending on things you don't need, put that money into a savings account. As you give yourself space to discover your passion, you may find you need extra money to start a business, take a class, or buy some time away from your job. Find joy in saving and appreciating all of the material blessings you have.

In Your Skills

Improve your skills in an area you enjoy. Savor the process of learning and gaining proficiency through practice. Learn something entirely new that has always interested you. Take a class or begin reading and researching information online. Do this for the fun of the experience, not as a means to an end, or a specific goal.

“Being driven is not the same as being passionate. Passion is a love for the journey. Drive is a need to reach the destination.” - Simon Sinek

And finally; don't allow the frustration of not having a life passion to overshadow the opportunities to live passionately today, right now.

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