New Moon in Gemini | Thursday June 10 | 18.54 pm | Bali Time

New Moon in Gemini | Thursday June 10 | 18.54 pm | Bali Time

Happy new moon and happy Gemini season! 🌚

Represented by the cosmic twin, it is said that one of them is HUMAN who is mortal. The other one is BEING and is immortal. Together their fate is to merge the knowledge of this and the higher realm in order to complete the puzzle of life as a human being.

This is the season to embrace all dualities within your wonderfully puzzled self.

Allow Your Many Faces to Come Out to Play

Already at an early age, we get conditioned to fit in... to fulfill our parent's ideas of a good child, to be a valid scholar, later a good working bee, to adapt to society's standards, to bend our values or diminish them fully for the appreciation of authorities or someone else's comfort.

A bitter fact: We all do things that are not authentic to our inner worlds. We re-shape and prune ourselves but here is the good news:

"If you're really lucky, every attempt at normalcy will fail miserably." 

- Carlos Tao

It Is the Wilderness We Crave, Where Both Twins Within Us Can Move Freely

With this in mind, I genuinely hope to engage you, to become curious about your "other faces". If you have been living in the light, take a detour into the shadow realm. If you've lingered with what's hidden in the dark, maybe it's time to do some outside-world adventuring. Whatever comes up, be curious. That's a key quality and teaching of Gemini.

Geminin is prevailingly fast-moving as is Mercury, its ruler. The planet of communication and duality is in its retrograde phase from May 29 to June 22, 2021. How does this relate to you? During this time communication might become hot-wired, misunderstandings, as well as stuff from your past, might come up increased.

Mercury is the most fast-moving planet in our solar system and closest to the sun. He is named after the Roman messenger god. In ancient times, Mercury was taught as being two different objects in the sky, Morning & Evening Star, introducing us to the ever-present aspect of duality again.

He is the firstborn son, the young prince of the king (sun) & queen (moon). This "messenger of the gods” points out how we communicate, with ourselves, other people, as well as with the world around us. He rules travel and technology. Gemini is at home in Mercury.

For this period of time, ask yourself more often: 

Am I Communicating My Needs Clearly?

Become aware if you change your mind very quickly around this new moon, during Gemini season, and during Mercury retrograde. Maybe the outside world will observe those quick mind-shifts as if you would have two faces (hello twins ;)). Show interest in your duality and be immersed in communicating those needs. You don't have to be only one version.

In fact, you are a luminous being of a thousand facets, so beautifully complex and diverse. But tenderly make sure that those wonderful versions do not cause confusion and conflict within and around you.

With all this fast-moving air energy, my suggested spirit guide for this time is 

Hanuman - the monkey god - light and quick by nature. A trickster as well as impersonated devotion.

Channeling his trickster qualities, relating a lot with the archetypes of both Gemini and Mercury, I believe he will support you wonderfully in juggling whatever life gives you to conquer this month. When we sing to Hanuman, we are reminded of our own divinity. 

“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold
That is how important you are!”

-Eckhart Tolle

Exactly. This little thing we tend to forget in between schedules, juggling with our many appointments and fulfilling our private life. Hanuman does so too... he forgets his own superpowers but in moments of love, in his devotional acts, he remembers. Perhaps that's something to try out this season.

May you find ease with dancing in the great unknown.
May you honor contradictions.
May you find the courage to open your heart wide to your duality.
May you sing in joy, sing in doubt, sing in fear, 
Bolo Hanuman 

I’m sending you all a big hug, hopefully sparking some love and free-flowing connection,

Sara Grace

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