Full Moon in Sagittarius | Wednesday May 26 | 19.14 pm | Bali Time

Full Moon in Sagittarius | Wednesday May 26 | 19.14 pm | Bali Time

"If you're really listening, if you're awake to the poignant beauty of the  world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break;  its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold ever-more wonders."

- Andrew Harvey

Happy Full Moon My Dears!🌕

Today's full moon will be this year's biggest supermoon, it has the lovely symbolic name ‘Flower Blood Moon’ and comes with the only full Luna eclipse of 2021. 

Our journey as a collective has been gradually full of shifts throughout what feels like a long long time now. Shifts that brought us to question our belief systems, rumble with our inner and outer world and make radical changes. Whatever is left that needs to break open, is free to fall apart with this full moon. The ever-ongoing dissolution, no matter how much it hurts momentarily, is never gratuitous. Furthermore, it is necessary. 

In Hindu tradition, as in so many other cultural backgrounds, the realm of deities is based on a trinity:

  • Brahma, the creator

  • Vishnu, the preserver

  • Shiva, the destroyer

I invite you to peel off the electric feels and eventual drama that this wild time might bottle up in your mind and heart. Be reminded that the value of creation, preservation, and destruction are equally important and ultimately necessary for each other. We are all part of nature and those forces that work so perfectly for the mystical flow of the universe. We are just not able to open our eyes and hearts wide enough to witness the wonder behind the chaos. 

This powerful full moon will all happen between the signs of Sagittarius where the moon sits for this at the moment) and Gemini (where the sun resides at the moment). Both are fast-moving and courageous archetypes, bringing you their fierceness for this cosmic event. 

Sagittarius is the priest, the guru, a joyful spirit, and a wholehearted adventurer. It reminds us to look at rainbows, to observe the glorious beauty between the cracks, release the desire for a certain outcome and trust each step of the way. It is the last and thus most mature fire sign of the zodiac wheel. Your Sagittarius-Energy-Journaling Prompt for this full moon is: How can you lean back just far enough to see a wider picture and thus more light, color, and blessings in your life?

Gemini is a curious sign. Utilize your curiosity to shine a light on how you communicate... verbally & non-verbally, inside & outside.

In Tarot, Gemini's card is "the lovers" This is their assignment and journaling challenge for you: Turn in, to find out what you put on another! 

You are the one you're looking for. All your relationships are mirrors of your magnificent existence. So while you just can't change some restricting factors on the outside world redirect:
>> External to internal <<

If you do need an anchor through the full moon day and even a few following days, here is a mantra that you might want to read out loud, chant, or repeat in your mind up to 108 times: 

Guru Brahmā Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshvarah
Guru Sākshāt Param Brahma Tasmai Śrī Gurave Namah 

Our creation is guru (Brahma - the power of creation) 
the duration of our existence is guru (Vishnu - the power of preservation) 
our hardships, tribulations, diseases, strokes of fate and the death of our body is guru (Devo Maheshvarah
/ Shiva - the power of destruction and transformation). 
There is a guru close to us (guru Sakshat) 
and a guru who is unbounded by space and time (param Brahma). 
I dedicate all (tasmai) 
to the miraculous (shri) 
eliminator of my darkness and ignorance (guru)
to you I bow down and lay myself before you (namah).

For this time ahead, I hope you will feel wide and deep within your beautiful self.

Many blessings,

Sara Grace

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