Pause, Find Space, Recharge

Pause, Find Space, Recharge

Life is a game. A constant cycling and recycling of energy. We can find our bodies travelling through this journey with a sense of contraction and expansion as we meet each experience, often holding on or pushing away life as we seek to control it. When we meet all of life, there can be a lot to hold and this can be exhausting. Perhaps we are often busy supporting and holding space for our friends and family, working to provide security for ourselves or our children and putting our own needs bottom of the list. The game of life becomes a complex and exhausting challenge of spinning plates and just about keeping your head above water whilst managing the endless ‘to-do’ list. You can feel lost, unsupported and overwhelmed. You need a break.

When we carve out time and space for ourselves during the day, we are offering ourselves the opportunity to arrive back into the present moment, to breathe and notice more. We can offer ourselves the gift of giving full permission for our bodies to rest, sweetly surrender and feel calmer. When we let go of the grabbing, the control and demands of overwhelming schedules, or the stories about past experiences which we carry around, we can create space to hold more of our own present emotions, more connected and energised to live our lives to the fullest. We return home to ourselves, to listen to what we need.

Pause. What do You Need?

How can you support yourself in this moment? What resources can you lean on? The bank of resources we have to support ourselves when life can throw obstacles our way is such a beautiful gift to offer ourselves and each other, to strengthen and hold community.

Talking to loved ones, exercise, a walk in nature, yoga, meditation, dancing, journaling, eating nourishing food and taking rest, are all available to us. However, these can often be difficult to access and build into our lives. We need the space to reset, to prioritise what it is that’s important to us and how we can support ourselves in returning back to the resources we know work for us. We can gift ourselves the time to get out of your head and into your body, to listen to a deeper and truer message of what we need to create a deeper level of support, one of inner wisdom, guidance and love.

To love ourselves fully is to fully support ourselves. Increase the resources you have in your tool kit to support you as you navigate through life. Enter with curiosity, tenderness and grace, a sense of wonder and open the gateway to this process of deeper inquiry into what it is you need to feel fully supported and held by yourself and others. Take what you need.

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Ready for some Me-time Your Way?

It’s time to make some space for yourself. We’re here to help you do that, offering a flexible retreat here with us in Bali, that you can design yourself.

We’ll provide the space and take care of the details so you can find stillness within.

Nourish yourself and develop or strengthen tools that you can take home, like a morning meditation routine, new yoga styles or simply listening to your body and heart. 

Click the button blow to learn more about “Me-time. My style.” your personalised retreat with us.

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Yoga is so much more than a physical practice. It’s how we care for ourselves and others, how we show up in the world, and our level of mindfulness. How we live our lives off the mat is an extension of our physical practice. That's why the Radiantly Alive Online Yoga Community gives you more than just the physical aspect.

Not only do you get access to hundreds of Yoga Classes and Yoga styles with your favourite RA teachers that bring the Bali love into your living room, you can also connect with like minded people from all over the world.

Life is better when we evolve together, support each other on our journeys and feel more connected to ourselves and those around us.

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