Journalling - Why is it Important?

Journalling - Why is it Important?

Writing is an art. And I’m not referring to our relationship with our laptop or pressing down of the keys, that’s not writing, that’s typing. A process which we mostly consume when reading online articles, all of which have never had the creative and natural process of going through a journal or notebook. That relationship between ink and paper, where the boundaries are erased, a place for the hand to flow as the words empty out and unfold. You cannot compare the two.

Perhaps truly inspired and honest writing births between you and the paper and the page. Like an artist with a paintbrush: without the pen to paper contact, you are simply… just typing.

So why write? Why journal? Why make time for another task? What are the benefits of writing everyday? Maybe it can feel like a chore but I’ve experienced more. When we awake each day, before we speak, there is a beauty in creating space to empty out our thoughts. Writing everyday is powerful. It’s that intimate moment, that good habit. Exercising the practice regularly, we write and express this natural gift, creating energy and clarity in how we reveal ourselves.

Opening the gateway to the inspired thoughts that may pass us by or become jumbled up, or forgotten. So see writing as a mindset, a place to zone in, and in cultivating a daily journaling routine, you will see words explode like a puff of magic smoke.

Introducing: 'Morning Pages'

These are a powerful tool that shouldn't be underestimated. From the book ‘The Artists Way,’ we learn that ‘when working with morning pages, we begin to sort through the differences between our real feelings, which are often secrets, and our official feelings, those on record for public display.’ And the commitment is this. To write four pages as soon as you awake. Write with no purpose and don’t worry about mistakes. It is a stepping stone in allowing you to get a step closer to your inner voice, to better communicate.

Communication is possibly the most precious currency you’ll ever have and writing can be a step towards the creation of a more articulated tone, wiser word choice and an expression of a feeling with a touch more clarity. Everyone has the ability to write and there is a sense of freedom when we have the steps and tools to speak and be heard in a way that is authentic and true to us. To have a voice. And of course, writing down what’s locked inside may seem overwhelming or difficult at times but that’s when we just write. If we leave the thoughts inside, they develop into stories, forming a text tornado, which picks up speed, taking over the truth.

So Write. Pick up The Pen and Form The Shapes.

Write without stopping. It doesn’t have to make any sense, it doesn’t have to form sentences, you can even misplace the punctuation, just let the words flow out of you and cascade onto the blank canvas, so that you you don’t have to carry the weightiness of the thoughts around with you anymore. Give them full permission to be set free, so that you can feel lighter and clearer to clarify what you really, deeply feel.

And as you lighten the load, you feel clearer, more free. To say what wants to be said with a new sense of energy and clarity. When the words travel down from mind, to hand, from ink to page, we participate in a rehearsal of life, the prequel of an awkward conversation, so that the final production clearly portrays the truest words. Writing takes courage and we never know where our words may take us and others.

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