Moon Magic - How the Cycle of the Moon Influences Us

Moon Magic - How the Cycle of the Moon Influences Us

Have you ever considered that there are forces that autonomically affect you? Did you notice that a lack of sunlight during winter months has a direct impact on your system, or what happens when the season's change, or maybe you have even felt a subtle shift in your own energies when the moon is in a certain phase? It all ties back to us being part of a greater whole. Especially in those wild times, that we live in, it can be a grounding practice and a great anchor to connect to nature and her cycles. Not only are we inextricably connected to them, we, ourselves, are part of this cosmic play. Often, our daily life in this modern world conditions us to detach from this whole. Instead, we float off in our own, very detached version of the man-made drama. 

I wanna take you with me on a journey to find comfort in the waning and waxing of the moon to find some understanding and eventually even a thread to lead you in your very own exploration of the luna cycle.  Whenever a new moon occurs, it happens in the sign of the current sun season (sun and moon meet in the same zodiac sign). They simmer in the same energy - our theme for the month.

During a new moon, all light disappears from our night sky. In this soothing darkness, a new chapter begins. It is a wonderful time to meditate and draw your energy back to your center, to rest in soothing darkness, and take long breaths. Here we might receive a glimpse of what is hidden in our most inner chambers. We might open our eyes to what we usually retain the outside world from seeing. Following the lunar calendar, you get a new year's eve each month! If this is a blessing or a curse, is on you to decide. If you open your awareness and get aligned with the natural cycle you have the opportunity to create the mold and the frequency for your dream life. What do you genuinely wish for? Without fear and the limiting frames of your mind -you are limitless! Sit back and feel all the sensations that your wildest dreams would bring into your field. This is manifesting. You prepare for your new reality. Everything you can think of is "real". I want to encourage you, to actively focus on the things you wholeheartedly want to pull into your life. Ground them in your awareness. Set your intentions under a foundation of trust and fully surrender to all possibilities the universe might come up with to turn them into reality.

While the moon waxes and moves halfway through the zodiac wheel, the intentions you set on the new moon (consciously as well as thoughtlessly) will build, until the peak is reached on the full moon. Now sun and moon sit on opposing ends of the zodiac wheel, pulling on each other from opposing ends. Thus we get the intensity and high energetic vibrations of a full moon. Take a deep breath, now, and hold it in. Grasp for even more air until your lungs are completely full. This is it, - that's the sensation nature bestows us with when our night sky is as bright as it gets.

In our human experience, this intensity often reflects as being overwhelmed, anxious, and restless. But if we drop in and dare to balance even those strong fluctuations, we get the opportunity to shed the lower vibrations of the zodiac signs where sun and moon sit in. The headline is to LET IT GO and give up what no longer serves you. While the moon grew, you grew. By no means are you the same person you were on the past new moon. Let go, of whatever you have outgrown. Setting new intentions is powerful but, in my humble opinion, meeting the practice of softening our grip and releasing, would be a significant blessing for us as individuals, a society as well as for our planet. 

When we open ourselves to broader realities, and find all of those celestial beings alive, within our own colorful creation, this practice truly becomes a look in the mirror. 

I will soon offer some more brackets of my own journey, interpretation, and experiences around the moon. If you dare, you are very welcome to jump down this rabbit hole with me and you will surely find many wondrous insights yourself. 

May it be a thread to guide your self-observation. However, without looking at your own emotions, habits, and subtle alterations in your energetic body, all of this will stay lifeless theory. When you meet these phases consciously, you will begin to align with nature. Might you find moon magic in the mundane and open yourself to the possibility that you are whole whatever phase you go through.


With the moon and back,


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