Trauma-Informed Facilitation: A 20-hour Embodied Training to Deepen Connection with Vix

from $495.00

2024 | October 31 - November 2

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2024 | October 31 - November 2

2024 | October 31 - November 2

Take your teaching and facilitation skills to a whole new level by integrating embodied, relational, trauma-informed practices. This experiential 3-day training will equip you with the tools to confidently create safe, powerful, and inclusive learning experiences for your students. Integrate trauma-informed practices with your existing expertise to foster deeper connections and empower participants to explore and grow.

This training goes beyond basic "trauma awareness" by weaving together cutting-edge knowledge on the nervous system's response to trauma with powerful embodied relational facilitation techniques. Through experiential, embodied, and collaborative learning, you'll explore how to create a safe and supportive environment, fostering deeper connections and personal exploration within your classes and workshops. You'll leave with practical tools, techniques, and interventions to cultivate a more trauma-informed approach in your current offerings, regardless of the modality or field you work in.

  1. Deepen your understanding of trauma and its impact, allowing you to identify potential signs in participants and create a more supportive environment.

  2. Develop the skills to cultivate safety and resilience, fostering a sense of security and trust within your classes and workshops.

  3. Master the art of trauma-informed facilitation with key principles like consent, calibration, and embodied presence.

  4. Become a master of relational facilitation, refining your communication skills to build genuine connections with participants.

  5. Learn to navigate challenging situations with strategies for addressing common facilitation hurdles while prioritizing participant well-being.

We won't just talk the talk, you'll walk the walk!

This training integrates opportunities to practice and embody trauma-informed facilitation skills through interactive exercises and peer feedback. You'll refine your facilitation approach and confidently integrate trauma-informed principles in your own style.

As facilitators, we are not here to fix, change, or heal anyone else. Our role is to be anchors of co-regulation, witnesses, and powerful creative forces as we offer support along the way. Becoming trauma-informed isn't a simple tick-box exercise. It's an embodied paradigm shift that recognizes each student in the fullness of their identities and supports their agency and innate somatic wisdom to heal.

Imagine the difference you can make! With trauma-informed practices, you can create a space where students feel safe enough to explore, connect more deeply with themselves and others, and experience the true transformative power of your teachings.

Is this training for you?

  • If you're a yoga teacher, workshop facilitator, or anyone who works with groups professionally, and you want to create a more inclusive and supportive environment.

  • If you're interested in deepening your understanding of trauma and its impact on individuals, communities, and systems.

  • If you want to develop a more relational and empowering approach to facilitation.

  • If you're passionate about creating a positive impact on the lives of your students.

Then this training is for you.

This educational training is not a substitute for individual trauma therapy. There will be components of self-reflection that some people may find offer some personal healing. However, participants are asked to refrain from sharing in-depth about their own personal trauma and/or healing journeys to respect the purpose of this training.

By investing in these 3 days, you'll gain the skills and confidence to transform your teaching practice and empower your students to truly blossom.


Day 1: Foundations

  • What Trauma Really Is

  • Dealing with Trauma

Day 2: Building Your Facilitation Toolkit

  • Key Principles Part 1: It Starts With You

  • Key Principles Part 2: Creating Brave Spaces

Day 3: Deepening Your Facilitation Toolkit

  • Key Principles Part 3: Deep Listening and Being with Big Experiences

  • Design Masterclass and Integration

By the end of this training, you'll be equipped to:

  • Facilitate classes and workshops with greater sensitivity and inclusivity.

  • Create a safe and supportive environment where participants feel empowered to explore.

  • Respond effectively to various participant needs and experiences.

  • Foster deeper connections and build trust with your students.

  • Develop a sustainable and trauma-informed facilitation practice.

  • Empower students to explore and grow in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Develop a trauma-informed facilitation approach that fosters deeper connections and inclusivity.

  • Gain confidence in holding space for healing and transformation.

  • Refine your communication and relational facilitation skills.

  • Design trauma-informed workshops and classes that cater to diverse needs.

  • Integrate self-care practices for facilitators working with trauma-informed approaches.


Trauma-Informed Facilitation Manual


October 31 - November 2 | 09:00 - 18:00 daily


Regular Price: $595 US | 9.540.000 IDR

Early Bird Price: $495 US | 7.935.000 IDR | Valid until October 23


Vix Anderton is an embodied facilitator, coach, and mentor. She uses the principles of cyclical living and authentic relating to empower people to be more of themselves and step into their agency and leadership in the world.

She is committed to helping people embody their innate wisdom and power, reconnecting them with their natural flow, intelligence, and creativity. She helps people nurture their resilience so they can bravely cultivate more sustainable and authentic ways of being.

She is the author of two books, Enough: An Imperfect Antidote to Perfectionism and As You Are (Self-Improvement Not Required). She's also a recovering perfectionist.