Super New Moon in Pisces | March 10

Super New Moon in Pisces

March 10, 17:00 Bali time

Los Angeles: March 10 01:00

New York: March 10 05:00

London: March 10 09:00

Sydney: March 10 20:00

Keywords: Renewed faith and self-acceptance

“You can’t possibly embrace that new relationship, that new companion, that new career, that new friendship, or that new life you want, while you’re still holding on to the baggage of the last one. Let go… and allow yourself to embrace what is waiting for you right at your feet.” – Steve Maraboli

On March 10, we will have our annual New Moon in Pisces, and this one is another supermoon, as close to Earth as it gets, so it's very strong indeed. New moons are a time of new ideas and fresh starts. The sun and moon are perfectly aligned, which allows us to get clear about our hero’s journey. In Pisces, this is a fortnight to actively get rid of the old stuff we used to do or keep that no longer serves us, whether it’s memories, resentments, failures, or that icy half packet of diet food in the freezer. In Bali this year, it opens the observance of Nyepi the next day, which is the New Year and a time for silence and fasting.

Pisces, a Mutable Water sign, is represented by two fish back to back, tied across the middle. Some people say one is material, one is spiritual, connecting the human to the divine. Being mutable, it can adjust emotionally to any situation. As the last sign, it absorbs everything that has come before, closes the loop, and prepares to begin again. Pisces honors the transcendent, yet warns of getting lost in it - with escapism, madness, theater, or delusion. It is the depth of the ocean, which in its highest form is service with wise compassion, through which we return to Source.

And what does the sky advise about this Pisces New Moon of 2024? We are emerging from a tough few years, but now it feels like we’re at the start of a rollercoaster. Spring is just around the corner, and we need to prepare with a sense of urgency. The Moon’s path has shown us why and how to dump old baggage for positive reasons. We are infused with imagination and creativity without the burden of having to be perfect. Ideas come fast, and we have an inspired knowledge that reveals itself. Just have a go, start!

What to watch for? A rebellious burst of anger or cynicism - in ourselves or in our group. It may be triggering that the world seems unfair or is going in the wrong direction. We may see the dangers the future can hold. In imagining our fresh start, we may get overly focused on potential and neglect the little daily habits that we need for success, or the practice and work we have to put in. The trick in this fortnight is to notice the dangers ahead but slow down and remember to be practical. We imagine not a fantasy world but an ideal rooted in reality.

We visualize realistic dreams, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Pisces 21 (James Burgess): training in optimism. The pleasures of soft touch and a simple smile are powerful agencies through which we learn optimism. “Practice and demonstrate innocence of being”.

Pisces governs feet and a good soak, so if it suits you, have a go!

Pisces governs sage and this is a great time for smudging, or burning sage to cleanse energy.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~ Maria Robinson


Let the Silence Speak


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