Full Moon in Virgo | February 24

Full Moon in Virgo

February 24, 20:30 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: February 24 04:30

New York: February 24 07:30

London: February 24 12:30

Sydney: February 24 23:30

Keywords: choose a routine that works

“Discernment is the ability to see things for what they really are and not for what you want them to be.” – Unknown  

On February 24, we will experience the Full Moon in Virgo. Virgo, a Mutable Earth sign, is ruled by Mercury, known for its discerning and helpful qualities. When the Moon resides in Virgo, it adopts traits of being useful, busy, analytical, and practical, although it should temper its tendency towards criticism. Full moons illuminate emotional insights. With the Sun positioned opposite in Pisces, alongside Mercury and Saturn, we encounter the hero archetype, embodying empathy, compassion, and imagination. Therefore, the Moon in Virgo must collaborate with these qualities. This alignment symbolizes the axis of service-health and the material-spiritual balance.

What does the sky advise this Virgo full moon of 2024? This lunation is an important time to wrap up the astrological year and examine the harvest. We have been practising emotional boundaries within promises of dreams and nice words. We must realise that we can’t do it all but better to choose one or two practical roads and work hard on them. What doesn’t work out, or gives a “no” was really not meant to be.

On this journey, we discover that we can access a lot of help from people who've been there before. We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Additionally, we may find ourselves reexamining issues from last summer. Now, these issues reach a conclusion or allow us to move forward, enabling us to truly understand what transpired. They imparted a valuable lesson, particularly in overcoming our fear of getting burned, which may have previously held us back.

We choose wisely and jump in the pool, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Virgo 6: A merry-go-round. Burgess: Life has its ups and downs, its cycles and habits of repetition, nevertheless we can achieve something lasting. "Finding poise amidst emotional turbulence"

Nose breathing rather than mouth breathing improves gut health among many benefits. A great time to explore techniques! For example, box breathing.

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." — Maya Angelou (she has Mercury in Pisces, which rules this lunation)


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