New Moon in Scorpio | November 13

New Moon in Scorpio

November 13, 17:27 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: November 13 01:27

New York: November 13 04:27

London: November 13 09:27

Sydney: November 13 20:27

Keywords: Sudden release

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters." - Epictetus

On November 13, we will have our annual New Moon in Scorpio, and for the first time in a while it’s free of eclipse energy and a feeling of weighty fate. New moons are a time of preparations, seeding new energy and intentions. In Scorpio, it is a preparation to release, to make room for the new.

Scorpio, Fixed Water, is represented by the Scorpion, yes, but also by the Phoenix. The Phoenix is a mythical bird that dies and then regenerates, rising from its own ashes. Scorpio has a bit of a scary reputation but that is because at its best, it is able to face and examine emotions which some other signs would find too much. However this means that Scorpio can lead with instinct, and take responsibility. Here we are concerned with intimacy, power, control, going deep, and yours/mine/ours.

And what does the sky advise us about this Scorpio new moon of 2023?

We understand that we must prepare ourselves to let go sharply of intense, old emotions, memories, or something for which we feel a strong attachment, but it's better for us to bid farewell. We delve deep into areas where we may not have felt we received our due or where we may have sabotaged our own opportunities by repeating patterns. Old debts must be cleared or written off. This is to make room for a new material reality that we sense is taking shape, calling us. Now that the old is disappearing, we will enter that new world, so it's better to take an active role, as it will happen anyway.

Right next to the lunation is its ruler Mars, adding energy, will, desire, and reinforcing the ambition and vision of the Sun. It also shakes the Moon out of its fixed way of seeing the world in the darkness and encourages us to put energy into starting afresh. Opposite this lunation stands Uranus, a message of choice and relationship, caused by a sudden change in our material reality.

This sky also has a lot of support. We can understand the bigger picture, focus on what and who are fair, beautiful, and gracefully engage in the new start we are trying to create. This may come with a true understanding of what motivates the people we are dealing with and learning to stand up for ourselves. We will be supported in pushing through any fear of confrontation and dealing with the situation so it does not drag on and on. And then forgive, even if we won't forget. There may be fireworks and earthquakes, but it is the release we've been waiting for.

This new moon, we prepare by getting ready to let go so we can make room to receive.

Abundance is waiting patiently for us, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Scorpio 21: A soldier derelict in his duty.

James Burgess' interpretation is “Being true to ourselves.” Sometimes we must follow our conscience and face the consequences of society's disapproval.

Deep breathwork and embracing nature

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu


Embrace Womb Wisdom: Living in Harmony with Your Hormone Cycle


Flowing “in the zone”