Embrace Womb Wisdom: Living in Harmony with Your Hormone Cycle

In our fast-paced world, connecting with our body's natural rhythms through the ovulatory-menstrual cycle is a forgotten art. Imagine a life in sync with your body's wisdom, where PMS, period pains, and hormonal imbalances are a thing of the past. Welcome to the realm of Hormone Cycle Awareness, where well-being thrives in harmony with your ovulatory-menstrual cycle.

Modern society often disconnects women from their bodies, blinding them to the intricate dance occurring monthly. Yet, tapping into your body's wisdom empowers you to navigate your emotional, thought, physical, digestive, and energy patterns throughout your cycle. Here's the essence of this profound journey.

Menstrual Phase: Reflect and Renew

The menstrual phase, the cycle's beginning, is a time for shedding and renewal. Energy and hormone levels are lowest during your period. Embrace it for deep reflection and self-care. Slow down, honor your body's need for rest, and engage in nurturing activities. By doing so, PMS symptoms can be eased, and emotional equilibrium restored.

  • When Out of Balance: Period pains, cramps, irritability

  • When In Balance: Find peace within sensitivity and vulnerability, connected to Source

  • OmCycle Yoga: Focus on the Root Chakra with Hip-opening Yin Yoga

Follicular Phase: Set Intentions

Following menstruation, the 7-10 day follicular phase heralds fresh beginnings. As estrogen levels rise, so does your energy and motivation. This is the time to set intentions, start new projects, and make plans.

  • When Out of Balance: Fear, impulsivity

  • When In Balance: Motivation, grounded, grateful

  • OmCycle Yoga: Transition from Heart-opening Vinyasa to Throat-opening Strong Vinyasa

Ovulatory Phase: Radiate Your Light

The ovulatory phase beams with high energy and confidence, ideal for social interactions. Radiate your light and collaborate with others. Be aware of your ego's need for attention and practice empathy.

  • When Out of Balance: Selfish, anxious

  • When In Balance: Confident, humble, and focused

  • OmCycle Yoga: Focus on the Third-Eye Chakra with a Strong & Grounded Vinyasa Flow

Luteal Phase: Nurture and Reflect

The luteal phase calls for self-care and reflection as progesterone levels rise post-ovulation. Listen to your body, nourish it with wholesome foods, and engage in gentle exercises or relaxation techniques. Acknowledge that stress levels are naturally higher and that you need to focus on stress-relieving activities.

  • When Out of Balance: PMS symptoms like depression, cramping, bloating, fatigue, anxiety, acne, mood swings, hair loss

  • When In Balance: Flow with acceptance, self-nurturing, and respect for boundaries

  • OmCycle Yoga: Focus on the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras with Gentle Twists and Hip-opening Slow Flow Vinyasa

Living in Flow: Embracing Womb Wisdom

Harmonizing your emotional, thought, physical, digestive, and energetic patterns with your cycle leads to a life free from PMS, period pains, and hormonal imbalances. This is nature's design, a blueprint for optimal health, vitality, and fertility. Womb wisdom attests to the power of mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-love, unlocking a fulfilling life in harmony with your innate wisdom.


Pauline Goossens, a Hormone Cycle Expert, passionately guides women to unlock their womb's wisdom, liberating them from PMS, period pains, and hormonal imbalances. She is the founder of OmCycle Academy, offering programs to balance hormones naturally and reconnect with womb wisdom.

Check out Pauline’s OmCycle Yoga classes on Radiantly Alive’s Online Studio!

Check out Pauline’s other articles with Radiantly Alive here!


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