New Moon Eclipse in Aries | April 20

New Moon Eclipse in Aries
April 20, 12:12 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: 19 April 21:12

New York: 20 April 00:12

London: 20 April 05:12

Sydney: 20 April 14:12


Keywords: Wu Wei (Chinese for non-action, the art of achieving through flow, not effort)

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

On April 20, we will have a second New Moon in Aries, and this will be a hybrid eclipse and a very rare type. This eclipse is a solar eclipse on a new moon, and this one points us toward the North Node. Manifesting destiny is right around the corner on our hero’s journey. We’re at the very end of Aries, the first sign, the Warrior that starts a job no matter what.

And what does the sky advise about this Aries new moon eclipse of 2023? We can be confident that we have started our new path right. However, the Moon, our body and emotions, likes to receive, here she is armed and dangerous. As Mars and the Moon have awkwardly exchanged homes, they will have to work together. We have the power to advance but we have to be sensitive to our surroundings. We must use the gift of patience and wise investment of energy. We eject what we must, creating propulsion so that our momentum carries us forward, smoothly, on its own.

What did we learn over the last few months about how energy gets wasted running around in too many different directions? It has been an important, maybe painful lesson. Now we wait to see what’s coming around the corner, or we will get stuck in mud moving too fast. Enough is enough of starting new things, it’s stressful. All doesn’t have to be perfect right now, we can review and revise soon. The seeds of success are already sown so don’t disturb them by overdoing it.

Set cruise control for a bit, and enjoy the wind on your face, Radiantly Alive!

Solar eclipse on the North Node - Saros cycle 7 North: Sudden reveal of passion hidden for a very long time.

Sabian Symbol Aries 30: A duck pond and its brood

Thoughts: these last degrees of Aries are about proficiency. Spirituality with realism. Spiritual competence. Understand ourselves, and empower ourselves mentally.

Wu wei: quietly confident flow over action

“Less is more. Progress is made through precise, persistent, and purposeful pushes.”

– Scott Perry

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