Full Moon in Libra | April 6

Full Moon in Libra
April 6 | 12:34 PM Bali time

Los Angeles:5 Apr 21:34

New York: 6 Apr 00:34

London: 6 Apr 05:34

Sydney: 6 Apr 14:34


Keywords: Self-worth nourishes authentic relationships

“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” ― Malcolm X


On April 6, we will have our Full Moon in Libra, the first full moon of the astrological year (which tells us Easter is the Sunday after it). Venus rules Libra, Cardinal Air, symbolised by the scales. The Moon needs to feel there is communication and rapport one-on-one so she can intuit the level of harmony and balance. At the full moon, she reflects the sun’s light from directly across the sky, allowing us to see where we’re at and feel into our body’s true signals. The Sun opposite in the sky, in Aries along with Chiron and Jupiter, is the hero who has healed his yang ability to initiate, to start things, to assert himself with confident hope, so the Moon in Libra must work to reflect those ingredients. She can succeed by being decisive yet diplomatic, and coming from a place of abundance. This axis represents the self-other axis.  

What does the sky advise this Libra full moon of 2023? This lunation has some supportive, easy energy, for the first time in a while allowing us to feel into the give and take of relationships with less stress. If we take the opportunity to acknowledge our own value to ourselves with a promise to keep working on authentic self-love, and maintain a generous independence, then we can loosen our grip on others. This will nourish our relationships. Time together will be quality time where we will be fully present and this will be just the nourishment our one-on-one interactions will thrive on.

The ruler of this lunation, Venus, is in her home sign of Taurus. It will be of great value for us to see how our needs and tastes have evolved, now that some pressure has lifted from having to work on new plans, and there is more of a smooth, slower flow. Some of the confused fog has also lifted, the energy is less scattered. We take time with thoughts and words. We enjoy pleasures of the senses - nutritious tasty real food, sweet smells, luxurious touch, elegant cloth, harmonies. The desire for safety, stability, and good relating inspires us to take action. We must avoid acting moody, defensive or dependent but that shouldn’t be too hard as we can remember that we can do for ourselves, we just happen to like company. We are self-assured, cool, calm and collected. And together this makes for a successful combination.

This fortnight is great to enjoy a relaxing time and nice things, alone and with the ones we work and play well with.

We are unshakeably poised, Radiantly Alive!


Sabian Symbol Libra 17: a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbour

Libra is said to represent the lower back and butt, and as Mars in Cancer trines Saturn, works on strengthening the spine and core for future protection.

“Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them.” ― Mandy Hale

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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