Committed to Listen

Committed to Listen

It’s that time of the year again where we get to reflect on the previous year and look forward to what we want to cultivate for the coming year. Most likely we all experienced an intense period, mingled with both unrest and fulfilment. It was hopefully a year that made us more empathetic and also quite resilient.
This is a great time for all of us to go inward and reflect on what once was and what is and what will be. And one of the best ways to do that is to listen.

It is a courageous act to listen. Because we might realise certain things that we don’t want to hear. We might have to accept a certain outcome that isn’t what we thought it would be. And yet, the voice that is faint but strong guides us to a place we yearn for.

Listening takes patience and practice as well. Sometimes we listen to some calling and find that it was not what we expected. It might be a relationship or friendship you were really passionate and hopeful about that didn’t work out. Or it might have been a new restaurant you heard great things about that you became disappointed with. Perhaps it was a faint whisper of a voice that told you there’s something far better than the job you’ve been at for years that once upon a time made you really happy, but as time passed stopped feeling that way.

Listening takes many forms. Listening to others gives us reflection of how we listen to ourselves. Is it filled with presence and attentiveness, or is it distant and a bit disengaged? Of course it changes all the time but it is well worth the awareness of how we choose to listen and engage with our environment, our near and dear ones, and most importantly ourselves.

So here is a great practice at the end of the year on how to process listening with presence and commitment.

Listening to what once was for us : Reflect on the times that we stood strong and the times where we fell to our knees. The times when we had to accept the moments we didn’t want to be in and to fight for the moments we wanted to remain.

Listening to what is and what brought us here to this moment. Recognising where we are and the wisdom, wounds and wellbeing it cultivated. To stand with our strong feet and realise that we have walked this far and we are still here. To look at our hands and realise how much we’ve created, trembled, clenched, and caressed to be here now.

Listening to what will be and be excited that things and situations will always change and that we are ready and capable of walking a path that will bring more fulfillment, ease our unrest, and make us more connected and clear.
Within this space, we find commitment and resolution. And if the end of the year signifies anything, it is the intention of commitment to something else, something new, something different.  And so a great way to anchor in what we want to receive and cultivate from this next year, is to look back at what happened for us personally, professionally, physically, mentally, and emotionally. One of the best ways to do this is to write down all of these things to get a better idea of it all.

With these aspects of what once was, what were the big takeaways? What held you back? What was a struggle and what was a passion that drove you forward? When we get clear on these aspects, we can begin to create a path both inward and onward, which stems from our listening, and is forged by our commitment.

Now look at what is, where you stand, how far you’ve come, what tools you have acquired, and what memories and experiences you carry with you. What brings you joy? What do you need to let go of and walk away from? This is where we write down these inner desires and resolutions. This is where we lovingly commit to letting go of what isn’t part of our journey any longer.

And lastly, but most importantly, where to next, what will be? Once we become clear on what once was and what is, we can cultivate what we want to create and cultivate. Where we want to go personally, professionally, physically, mentally, emotionally and deeper than that. What are your intentions? What parts do you want to grow and nourish? What battles are you choosing to step away from and which ones are you stepping into with courage?

Journaling about this is a powerful tool to set our intentions and to keep ourselves accountable for positive change and cultivating a committed and consistent path towards more active listening within and with others.
I hope this resonates with you somehow and that you find peace with the year that was, with the moment that you find yourself in right now, and that you walk onward with courage and curiosity for what will be.

Much love to you and what is about to unfold for 2023!

Chris Fox

About the Author

Chris Fox is a mobility specialist and movement coach focusing on joint health, body awareness, and how to reduce pain with active bodywork. With the Fox Method, he helps people to get a stronger connection to their body, by isolating joint awareness, activating body control, and integrating healthier movement habits.

If you want to work on your mobility and stability, increase more body awareness and reduce pain to feel more light and alive, you can contact Chris for a session: