Full Moon in Cancer | 7th January

Full Moon in Cancer | 7th Jan | 7:07 AM Bali time

Los Angeles: 6 Jan 15:07

New York: 6 Jan 18:07

London: 6 Jan 23:07

Sydney: 7 Jan 10:07

Keywords: Seeds of Knowledge and Life

“The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” - Ralph Blum

On January 7th, we will have our Full Moon in Cancer, the first full moon of 2023. The Moon rules Cancer, Cardinal Water, symbolised by the crab, so this will magnify the energy. It represents emotional leadership, in tune with the cycle of life. Like a crab, it doesn’t move in a straight line but indirectly. Full moons are a time of completion and illumination. The sun’s light shines from directly across the sky and the reflected light of the moon is at its brightest, letting emotional vision flow. The Sun opposite in Capricorn, shines the light of practicality and determination to succeed, to manifest. This axis represents the feeling-doing polarity.

The moon in Cancer “feels the feelings”. What does the sky advise about this Cancer full moon of 2023? This lunation is a huge gift of intuition and understanding. Flashes of inspiration and awareness combine with the mental ability to go deep, to push through to the truth, to get to the bottom of things. Just before the full moon we may feel really inspired and then the memory of a past wound comes to mind. We want to start something, to take a chance, but we may feel reluctant because of an old bad experience, perhaps stemming from childhood.

Yet this full moon says look clearly at the past and present, take in the lessons, and here’s a fantastic chance to dream the future in a way we hadn’t even thought of before. Suddenly we can feel in our body and soul what it would be like to be on this different journey, and it clicks. There will be obstacles but now we know we’ll figure things out and we know that life will help us along. We will walk this new road we want to take; we will see where to focus; we will ask for, give and receive help; and we will budget our energy so we can spend on the important work.

We brightly create the seeds we’ll soon plant as we now truly feel it, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Cancer 17: The germ or seed grows into knowledge and life

Yin Yoga, hold pose

“The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”

- Steve Jobs

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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