Full Moon in Pisces | 10th September

Full Moon in Pisces | 10th Sep 5:58 PM Bali time

Los Angeles: 10 Sep 02:58

New York: 10 Sep 05:58

London: 10 Sep 10:58

Sydney: 10 Sep 19:58

Harvest Moon

Keyword: Intuition

I'm a busy little bee, I must get my work done.

I will, but now it’s time for a breath; I insist.

In my body, I feel connected to Spirit;

This I must honour,

Set aside time to merge with Source

Because abundance is all around me.

It feels so fresh, to fill my mind with peace.

What wealth, what sublime beauty!

Once I am still I can hear the fairies float by, singing.

On Sep 10th, we will have our annual Full Moon in Pisces, the Harvest Moon. Full moons are a time of completion and illumination, to reflect on where we are at in our journey. I love the symbolism of the harvest moon. At this time of year, many cultures recognise the blessings of abundance that our home planet serves us. The crops are greater than the seeds. The wealth created is greater than the labours of the farmer. In gratitude for what we have harvested, we gift some of it into the communal jar, paying it forward. The Sun is in Virgo, opposite the Moon in Pisces; this axis represents the service polarity.

Pisces, Mutable Water, is symbolised by two fish swimming opposite paths, connected with a cord. We are receptive to the infinite while the cord keeps us grounded to reality. Moment by moment (Virgo) vs infinite (Pisces), physical health vs spiritual health, organised daily routine vs swimming in dreams. We need both. This full moon reminds us to nourish our spiritual needs even as we run our everyday lives cleanly and crisply. Order is great but too much of a good thing, endless to-do lists? Not healthy. Our “connection to Spirit'' needs some “me time” too.

And what does the sky advise this Pisces full moon of 2022? This lunation is conjunct Neptune, multiplying the dream-like vibe. Sextile Uranus, the planet of abrupt change which felt so destabilising recently, now offers an opportunity: heightened intuition to emotionally navigate the change. Unusual or technological solutions are available if we look. While the urgency has smoothed out in the eye of the storm, that push to clean out and experiment with new ideas, the task at hand is to loosen the tight grip on earthly matters. We balance. We treat ourselves to a spiritual feast. We fill our well. Access the healing power of water through a long bath, a walk along the river, or listening to rain sounds as we meditate into the flow.

Extra, extra: a shout-out to Mercury here, especially as it rules the Sun in Virgo. Mercury is, unusually, standing still as it prepares to go over old ground. This means allow for malfunctions: in the car, the phone, the laptop, the calendar, deliveries, messages, in negotiations. We give ourselves permission to change our mind and it’s important we respectfully keep that communication flowing with others. Be open to fiery questions, put in the effort, stay diplomatic yet say our piece. It’s also important not to get carried away with big ideas. Another reason to get spiritually grounded (or rather, watered), as the mental energy will be zapping around, and the material world does not always follow the plan. I release into peace, because I am Radiantly Alive!


Commune with Spirit to harvest what is past so that seeds will have room to grow

Sabian Symbol Pisces 18:

In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance

"The most important thing is this: to sacrifice what you are now for what you can become tomorrow."

― Shannon L. Alder

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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