New moon in Virgo | 27th August

New Moon in Virgo | 27th August | 16:16 Bali Time

Los Angeles: 27 Aug 01:16

New York: 27 Aug 04:16

London: 27 Aug 09:16

Sydney: 27 Aug 18:16

Keyword: Practical

Time to get back to business.

I feel my body: flexible, patient, ready.

Radiantly alive!

There are many paths to the top of the mountain;

I will detail the practical ones, make a list.

Things have been a little up and down, push and pull;

Now I focus on how I can harvest my abundance.

As I prepare, and strategise,

I will be diplomatic, when words and thoughts burn in all directions.

There is a plan, I am part of the plan, I am the plan, the plan is me.

On August 27th, we will have our annual New Moon in Virgo. New moons are a time of initiating new energy, seeding intentions, and planning our next move. The moon is not seen, darkness covers the night. Our emotions and our creative vitality are fully together. In Virgo this is a fortnight to honour the natural radiance of the earthly vessel that houses us, to plan for the turning of the season, and bring our innate vitality to practical service.

Virgo, Mutable Earth, is represented by the Lady of the Harvest, standing in the field, holding a sheaf of wheat at harvest time. The Sun in Virgo is busy, for the days are getting shorter. There is much work to be done so that her people are prepared, with plenty of grain ready for when growth takes a rest. When Virgo is at their best, they have practical solutions, and properly reward everyone who contributes energy. They are not looking for the bright lights or applause; they want to be detailed and organised, say no to unimportant wastes of time, and fix what isn’t working well.

And what does the sky advise this Virgo new moon of 2022? We understand that collaboration, cooperation and diplomacy are the tools we should use. This lunation though is being squared by Mars, the planet of action and initiative, in Gemini, the sign of strategy, exploring different options through words and ideas. The square is an aspect of friction. Pretty helpful, because we need that heat to make us move. Luckily Mercury will help us keep our thoughts and words rational, so that we can stay on our path regardless of that tension fuelling our engine.

This new moon we prepare by preparing! We’ve seen lately that some things really do need to change. It felt urgent but we had obligations, it wasn’t the right time. Now we can better identify what it is we really want. The universe is inviting us to explore and strategise practical steps we can take to get there. We might be tempted to be impulsive, to take shortcuts - or that pressure may be coming to us from others. Nervous tension crackles but we channel it, we filter. Slow and steady wins this race. Attention to detail, politely say no when we must, balanced in our words and thoughts. We also give ourselves ‘me time’, to recharge our power cells. We remind ourselves that to love the world, we have to first be joyful within ourselves. Just as we are, radiantly alive. Baby steps, with a smart strategy!

Sabian Symbol Virgo 5:

A person becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual energies

Yoga pose:

Standing wide-legged forward bend

“The proverb is true, that light gains make heavy purses; for light gains come often, great gains now and then”

― Francis Bacon-

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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