The Joy Of Getting Lost

The Joy Of Getting Lost

When was the last time you felt utterly lost? And maybe you find a few different scenarios in your mind, such as getting lost on a trail in the forest, or perhaps in a new city, maybe it was in a relationship you just couldn’t figure out, or perhaps it was in some yoga class you knew was good but somehow it just didn’t make you feel right?

There are so many ways that we can get lost and perhaps that is scary, confronting, and challenging? But what if it wasn’t? What if getting lost was exactly the thing that needed to happen for you to experience something so out of the ordinary that it made you come closer to yourself more than ever before?

What if getting lost in the forest took you to a place you would have never been to before? What if that place held some deep resonance and peaceful calm that made you stop and simply breathe it all in?

What if you got really confused by the directions you were given in this vast city you just got to, and finally end up somewhere very unexpected, perhaps meeting people that you never would have met otherwise, and it took you on a journey of unexpected turns into a deeper experience of the pulse of the city?

What if that confusion and sense of feeling lost in a relationship was exactly the spark you needed to change it all for the better? Did you feel trapped and needed to break free? Did you find a strange answer to a question you didn’t know existed and thus could bring this up with your partner for more clarity and purpose? What if getting lost in this relationship was exactly the thing that made you find yourself more?

And how about that class you went to where it just didn’t make sense? This internal struggle, this shallow breath, this weird teacher in the front talking about ‘softening, spiralling, anchoring sitting bones and hearts, mobility this, mobility that, joint intelligence, and so on’ (yes, I am referring to myself here) and then beyond the confusion, deeper within your breath, in the midst of getting lost, you found a sense of belonging, of a moment of peace, a moment of connection, a soft strength, a deeper intelligence, and that’s what suddenly made sense.

Getting lost is a wonderful thing, come to think of it. We begin to see with our eyes behind our eyes, the nuances behind the layers, the adventure behind the corner we never really see but is always there, the softening and letting go of control, the leaning back into the rivers to be taken on a ride without resistance. Getting lost is essential to our growth as individuals.

This is no different from your practice, whatever that may be. The dedication and decision you made to go there, on your mat, at the gym, in the park, in your meditation seat, is an invitation to let go, drift back, and get lost within. These moments are so immensely precious because it all just brings us closer to ourselves in the most unexpected ways. I had a moment like this quite recently, as I was filming a class, and while it was a very active and direct class, I had one moment where I shared a breathing technique and had a pause in-between, I got so lost within myself I lost track of time and forgot that I was recording, I think it might have taken a few minutes before I came back and kept going. So if you see me in an online class where I become quiet for a long time, I was probably joyfully getting lost within myself.

But maybe the strangest thing about getting lost is that we grasp for control and direction so much, it’s not the getting lost that is the scary part, it’s the resistance towards it that makes it difficult. At some point a sense of acceptance of being lost soothes us, relaxes your breath, unclenches your jaw, and all that resistance drifts away. We are home, we are safe, we are joyfully lost and all is well. From this place, like within the eye of the storm, we might find some clarity and perspective, a soft silence inside of us, a gentleness of the spine, a supple sensation of calm, of expansion, of belonging.

This is the joy of getting lost. When we trust in that deeper intelligence, that we are strong and resilient, that when we let it, we are not just floating down the river, we become the river, and the river becomes us. Enjoy getting lost in all the ways that present itself, make peace with the control and resistance you let go of, and welcome the magic that unfolds because of it.

Thank you for reading, and feel free to share below if this resonates with you! I’d love to hear your perspective!

Joyfully lost,


About the Author

Chris Fox is a mobility specialist and movement coach focusing on joint health, body awareness, and how to reduce pain with active bodywork. With the Fox Method, he helps people to get a stronger connection to their body, by isolating joint awareness, activating body control, and integrating healthier movement habits.

If you want to work on your mobility and stability, increase more body awareness and reduce pain to feel more light and alive, you can contact Chris for a session:

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