New Moon in Cancer | June 28 - 29

New Moon in Cancer | 28-29th June | 11:52 AM | Bali Time

Gemini Mantra: I feel

Element: Water

Quality: Leader

Ruling Planet: Moon

And it´s time to go home!

On June 28th or 29th, depending on where in the world you are, we will have the New Moon in Cancer. A call to return to our home, to our roots. A period of two weeks to return to our home, to connect with our inner mother. Remember that the planet that rules Cancer sign is the Moon, it represents the Mother, so this new moon is a perfect time to become our own mother and to nurture ourselves on a mental, spiritual and physical level.

Let's remember what the energy of the sign Cancer is like to understand this New Moon. Cancer is a water element sign of cardinal quality, that means it is a leading sign, which marks the beginning of a new season, the Summer Solstice. Cancer is the energy of origins, a very protective sign that provides security to those who approach them.  It represents the world of emotions. They are souls in great need of physical security, very intuitive, empathic and above all cyclical people. Their ruler is the Moon, which is why they are usually the sign of emotion, the most fickle of the zodiac, with a very deep and spiritual meaning. This sign comes to teach us the importance of recognizing our feminine power: intuition, empathy and vulnerability.

Now that you know more about the energy of the Cancer sign, I can explain what this lunar event is going to be about. Remember that once a month the sun and the moon align in the same mathematical degree generating the New Moon, a very special moment of the month. It is a period of new beginnings, a time to look forward. When we have more clarity in our minds to know what we really desire.  Perfect to sow a new seed, renew your intentions and express your wishes to the Universe.

When the New Moon is influenced by the energy of Cancer, it’s a perfect time to return home not only physically but also internally.

This New Moon in Cancer bring us:

  • Time to heal childhood wounds

  • Nourish yourself, take care of yourself and be your own mother

  • Time to take charge of your emotional security

  • Balance your feminine and masculine energy

  • Time to accept all your emotional needs

  • A perfect time to integrate our inner child

I share to you some tips for this New Moon Manifestation:

  • Have contact with bodies of water, if you can go to the sea

  • Allow yourself to feel without judging your emotions


  • Do activities that connect you with your potential healer

  • Practice the art of letting go

  • Do activities alone

  • Take care of your body

  • Nourish yourself

The best advice I can give you for this New Moon in Cancer is to nourish yourself, allow yourself to heal, to feel and to integrate all your emotions. Remember you can’t take care of others, if you don’t take care of yourself.  

Remember Feeling without judging your emotions is your super power!

Happy New Moon in Cancer! 

With Love

Mai Martinez

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her ( if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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