Time to Speak Your Truth, Super Moon In Sagittarius

Super Full Moon in Sagittarius | June 14th | 12:52 AM | Bali Time

Sagittarius Mantra: I see

Element: Fire

Quality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

I do not own the absolute truth, but I do own the truth in my heart.

Ready to look up! In the evening of Tuesday, June 14, depending on what part of the world you’re in, a Full Strawberry Moon rises above the horizon. This is the second SuperMoon of 2022!

When a Full Moon is at a distance of at least 90% of perigee (the point at which the Moon is closest to the Earth), it is called a SuperMoon.

This moon is the last Full Moon of spring and the first of the summer and that’s why it has traditionally been called the Strawberry Moon.

Remember that a Full Moon occurs when the sun and the moon are in opposition. A moment in which the Universe gives us more clarity about things or situations. This Full Moon will be influenced by the energy of the Sagittarius sign, the truth seeker.

Sagittarius is the last sign of fire - wise, dynamic, optimistic, adventurous, the great seeker and traveler with a hunger for life. An idealistic soul who has a great bow pointed towards the stars. Their instinct for adventure and expansion is limitless, they are passionate, adaptable and very curious beings.

Sagittarius are like encyclopedias just like their opposite sign Gemini, the difference between them is that Sagittarius souls need to experiment and question everything they learn. They are not satisfied with what they listen to, they will always seek to draw their own conclusions. 

Now that we know what Sagittarian energy is like, we can understand that this Full Moon we will have a lot of information circulating. Remember that the ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the planet of expansion and now it is influenced by the energy of Aries, another sign of fire. This means we can feel that things that we want to communicate begin to flow faster. It’s time to really understand what you need.

There are two important aspects in this lunar event, Neptune the planet of illusion and Saturn the planet of reality will be giving us an insightful glimpse into what really is.

What does this mean?  That Saturn (reality) will help us to see clearly many things that are only an illusion in our lives.

  • Revelation of secrets

  • Disappointments with teachers

  • Observe when you make decisions out of ignorance

  • Evaluate and prioritize the time you give to people, situations, things, or to study

It's a time to reflect:

How much time do you spend in your head?

How much time do you spend on things that no longer identify you?

What are you giving value and authority to?

(be honest with yourself)

Once you reflect about this. Take advantage of the energy of this Super Full Moon and write on a paper all those thoughts that no longer identify with you and burn them. Remember it’s time to let go. Stop spending so much time in your head. Don’t get stuck!  

It’s time to aim your arrow to the stars and communicate your truth to the world! 

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!

Mai Martínez

About the author

Mai Martínez León Valdez is an Angel Therapy Coach, that helps you to connect with your angels and recognize their guidance. She loves to interpret the universe through astrology, reading Natal Charts, and Solar Returns. She is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher. Mai is a bhakta practitioner that loves to guide you through meditation, sound healing, and mantras, to help you to discover your most powerful gift, your voice.

Please reach out to her (estoy@abriendomisalas.com) if you feel the call to have a 1-on-1 session with her, either live in person in Bali or online. 

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