Being lived by LIFE | Is your PURPOSE in the unfolding?

Being lived by LIFE | Is your PURPOSE in the unfolding?

We are conditioned to the idea of becoming. Constantly bombarded with the age old question from school… “What do you wanna be when you grow up?”

But what if there is no purpose for us to choose out of the lucky dip of job titles or societal roles, nothing to decide upon, or make into a sense of who we are.

What if who you are is your purpose? What if the joy of what you are intuitively pulled towards is your purpose?

What if there is no ‘you’ separate from life deciding, and being lived by life is your purpose. Being authentically you, flowing in the directions of whatever spontaneously tugs at your heart, for no logical reason, no end goal, no motive, other than it’s how life is appearing to express itself through the vessel that you call you.

Just like a flower that blooms doesn’t know how it will change as its petals unfurl and blossom, or a river that flows has no idea of where it is traveling. Perhaps life really is this constant flow, one big show of spontaneous living.

The sweet rose cannot smell its own perfume - and so maybe living intuitively allows us to express our unique beauty too. You could then say that the purpose of life is YOU.

So how does one live intuitively, abandoning the narrative of how we think we should live, and instead be led by the intelligence of our hearts?

In my experience, living intuitively is a journey of releasing all that you know, and allowing your deeper, inner knowing to lead you (even if it makes no sense in your head)!

What makes you feel most alive?

  • What are you naturally pulled towards?

  • What things peak your interest? - Is it words, music, painting, yoga, martial arts, cooking, mountain climbing, technology, poetry, carpentry, flowers, planting veggies, building things, making spaces beautiful, fashion, sewing, teaching, working with your hands… there are endless possibilities that stir something in the heart!

When we notice what we love, and follow those inspirations without a set end goal. We drop the pressure of needing to have life all mapped out, and embrace each moment - allowing life to move us, meeting us with people, places and things to support and grow us along the way.

Your inner wisdom may guide you to make decisions that scare you, to let go of something you dearly love, to step outside your comfort zone, or to walk a path that is brand new. It will show you this journey one step at a time…calling us to live inspired!

I love this living quote - and think it perfectly summarizes intuitively living your purpose:

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yes, at times it can be scary, but if you want to get clear on what is truly right for you, feel supported, and live a life that feels deeply fulfilling and in alignment with the joy of simply being you, you must be listening to your intuition.

Our ability to live this way is directly related to our willingness to surrender, release an imagined sense of control and embrace the unknown.

Hearing your intuition - Here are some things you can reflect + journal on:

  • What inspirations have you been receiving that you haven’t yet acted upon?

  • What themes have been showing up in your outer reality? - It could be an advert for a dance class you’re inspired to try, a friend expressing that you’d be really good at XYZ.

  • What activities / skills would you really love to try, practice, or hone?

Living intuitively requires us to surrender, to release ‘our plan’, and what we think is right for us, so that we can instead be still, open up and listen. The mind may try to form conclusions and make sense of these intuitive nudges. Try to not do this, but rather stay very open, trust the process and allow the path to appear in its own time.

It’s all in a single step - moving with life, agenda free!

I know, we have been taught to plan things out, to have a set end goal, to create a sense of security, to know exactly where we are going, but living intuitively means to be swept by the adventure of living, following your inner guidance moment by moment, even if you have no idea where it is taking you!

Following your inner guidance may bring up discomfort, fear and resistance, and this is totally ok! Let yourself feel it and move through it, but don’t let it stop you.

How do you feel about following your intuition even when it makes no sense? Have you previously (or perhaps currently) followed your inner wisdom beyond logic? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments :)

Much love,

Jemma xo

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