Your Year In Review | Reflections + Gratitude

Your Year In Review | Reflections + Gratitude

Happy Holiday Season!

As we near the end of another year, many of us are in reflection mode. Was your year overflowing with joy or not so much? Did it zoom by or drag?

In the midst of all the sudden change that has occurred in the world, this past year has definitely been a huge wake up call collectively for us to review our lives and see what we truly want for ourselves and the world. As cliche as it sounds - it is up to us to be the change we want to see in the world, and not wait on the external environment to change for us to live. 

“The Universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.” – Rumi

We create the world we experience by our actions. Are our actions aligned with love, unity and fearlessness? Are we meeting life with gratitude and joy? Are we thinking, speaking and acting from love and kindness? 

More than ever we are being called back to our hearts, to stop operating on autopilot, and really treasure the only moment we ever truly have to live (which is this moment right now). 

One of the simplest and most powerful ways to shift our reality is through genuine gratitude. It’s vital that we focus on the positives and everything we have to be thankful for - because, as the saying goes “where mind goes, energy flows’. Staying optimistic and focusing on the good, to love deeply and don’t take anything for granted is the medicine. Self-reflection and taking time for gratitude and thankfulness are more important now than ever before! 

“If you keep searching for everything beautiful in the world, you will eventually become it.”

Regardless of what has happened during the year, there are always lessons to learn and now is the perfect time to see the blessings of all experiences and utilise them for our highest growth. Each moment is a new moment to reframe our perspective and look for the good. 

Below are some of my favorite reflection questions that help shine a light on your experiences and lessons, what you want more of, where you want to focus more energy...

Challanges + Wins

What were your biggest challenges from the year? What did you learn from them? 

What were your biggest wins from the year? What did you accomplish? What are you proud of yourself for?

Inner Self

How have you changed since last year? In what ways have you grown this year? 

What qualities would you like to embody next year? How do you want to grow? 

How can you treat yourself with love, respect, and patience?


What helped you this year? (e.g. routines, boundaries, relationships, resources) 

What were your favorite books, movies, shows, and songs from the past year?


How well did you take care of yourself this year? Did you prioritize exercise, sleep, and nutrition? 

How will you commit to taking even better care of yourself next year?


How has your yoga practice helped you this year? Have you continued yoga in your daily activities? 

Have you created a consistent Yoga practice this year without force or tension? Is there anything you would like to change about your practice? 

Is there a different yoga style you would like to dedicate more time to?


Who did you connect with this year? Who made you feel the most supported? 

Who do you want to connect with next year? What kind of people do you want to surround yourself with?


Who are you most grateful for? What are you most grateful for? Write down why you are grateful for these people and things.

How can you express your gratitude more next year?

I hope these journal prompts have helped you find gratitude and blessings for the past year and get intentional about what’s to come.

Let’s focus on the blessings of life and co-create a beautiful world together :)

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Full Moon in Taurus | Friday, November 19 | 5.59 pm | Bali Time