5 Ways To Use The Power Of Acknowledgement In Your Life

5 Ways To Use The Power Of Acknowledgement In Your Life

Acknowledgement. What is it exactly, and why is it a useful tool in our lives? 

When I looked up the word ‘Acknowledge’ in the dictionary, I was surprisingly inspired by its meaning. I had never really given much thought to it before, and it’s not a word that I commonly use in everyday vocabulary, but upon reading the definition, it really made me ponder that it has similar connections to presence. 

Acknowledge [ ak-nol-ij ]
accept or admit the existence of truth of
recognize the importance or quality of

Beautiful huh? Acknowledgement is really an embodiment of deep presence, of awe, and gratitude for all that is, for all that greets our eyes, for all that moves us, for all that exists that we witness in daily living. 

We are literally in a state of acknowledgement all of the time, just by being alive. Witnessing the grand show of life before us - life really only exists because of our ability to acknowledge its existence. Hmmm. Profound right?
Anyway, now we have investigated what this word means, how can we use this for the benefit of goodness and growth in our lives?

Here are 5 Ways to Bring More Acknowledgement Into Your Life...

#1 Acknowledge the beauty that is YOU. We often admire and acknowledge others for their skills, talents, beauty, characteristics, achievements, but how often do we acknowledge these attributes in ourselves?  Take a moment and acknowledge your own magic. Your own beauty. Isn’t it lovely?

#2 Acknowledge one's mistakes. We cannot possibly change a thing, unless we are first aware of it. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows, otherwise the world wouldn’t be in the mess that it is. One of the biggest gifts we can give to the world is by looking at ourselves first. Acknowledging one's mistakes is not saying that you are bad, wrong or broken in any way, but is becoming aware of your own blind spots or ignorance. When we see where we are blind, then we are no longer blind, and change naturally occurs. Ta da!

#3 Acknowledge others. How good does it feel to be appreciated? It gives you all the warm and fuzzy feels right? When we take moments to express appreciation and gratitude for others in our lives, we are acknowledging the goodness of the world and enhancing it. Heard the saying ‘Throw kindness around like confetti’ - go do that, with genuinity and authenticity - let me know how you feel!

#4 Listen and acknowledge. We can use acknowledgement as a beautiful tool for deep listening by repeating what the person has said back to them, and showing or checking you have understood what they are saying. Language can be complicated, and often we can get the wrong end of the stick in a conversation or jump in with a response of our own experience, or view point without really letting the other know they have been heard. I wonder how much richer our conversations can be with a little more acknowledging in the mix!

#5 Acknowledge how far you have come. We can be so fixated on what’s next, or what’s wrong, or caught in the hustle of everyday living, that we don’t pause to look back at how far we have come, or what it has taken to arrive at this point right now. Can we acknowledge and celebrate our evolution? What struggles or challenges have you moved through? What have you learned that you didn’t once know? How much have you grown in this past year through the trials and tribulations? Take a moment to stand on the (metaphorical) mountain and congratulate your resilience. Don’t wait for someone else to see you - You see you.

Mmm. Acknowledgement may be my new favourite word. Let’s spread more love, through the embodiment of this recognition.

With love,

Jemma xo


Acknowledging a Larger Self


New Moon in Leo | Sunday, August 8 | 9.50 pm | Bali Time