Full Moon in Capricorn | Friday, June 25 | 02.40 am | Bali Time
Full Moon in Capricorn | Friday, June 25 | 02.40 am | Bali Time
“In a Gentle Way, You Can Shake the World”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Happy Full Moon My Dears!🌕
We are blooming under the last supermoon, which means the moon will appear bigger than usual. So get up, go out, find nature and witness her calming silver light gently folding over your own embrace.
As we do during every full moon, we wanna look closer into two archetypes. The ones who are opposing each other in the zodiac wheel. We work with both of them, witness how they affect our masculine and our feminine sides. Even though the sun (masculine) sits in the water sign Cancer, and the moon (feminine) sits in the earth sign Capricorn, this will trigger certain points to come up in a very individual way for all of us.
However, learning more about the archetype, its strengths, challenges, and universal tasks, will surely shine a light on some inner truths that you can only find within yourself.
Capricorn is a Very Responsible Archetype
Fueled by earth energy it embodies a "work hard, play hard" energy. She knows what she represents, is very aligned with her own drive to get things done and it truly is a special feature that for Capricorn, no mountain seems too high and no ocean too deep. She does not question what she brings to the table and her dedication is a true gift to this world.
However, when we do not act in alignment with our core values (or don't even know them) we run the risk of doing something just for validation or other external gratification. We become impostors of our being. This is a major wound to heal the Capricorn energy within you. Showing up for the sake of it and not for outer validation.
The Archetype of Cancer is a Sea Creature…
… and as the ocean symbolically and mythologically represents a deep unknown, our unconscious, and the mystery of feelings, Cancer is deeply embedded in the world of emotions. She reflects the self within us that we often keep hidden away from the outside world. The moon is at home in Cancer and so you can imagine that this mothery, feminine energy is cancer bone structure. Water, femininity, deep emotional worlds. This often subtle, tough, and massively powerful force teaches us a lot about our intuition but also that showing vulnerability is a strength. The archetype's challenge is to leave her shell when she has outgrown it and dive into the deep wild waters. Raw, no guarantee with her deep intuition as a guide. And eventually, she finds a new home to rest her body in and teaches us that putting yourself out there while truly embracing vulnerability is a fierce strength. She teaches us to cultivate self-love and trust in the unknown and our intuitive powers.
You might have caught up that the combination of those two archetypes, brings us to ask ourselves the following questions, which ultimately are good journaling prompts to bug your wonderful mind with during this supermoon:
What is the intention behind my actions?
Why do I do things the way I do them?
Why do I keep parts of myself and certain feelings locked away?
What are those fragments of myself and how can I get to know them better?
Last Sunday/Monday we passed the solstice portal, a celebration of light and dark. In the northern hemisphere, you experienced the longest day of the year, in the southern hemisphere you experienced the longest night of the year. Many cultures around the world celebrate this day as something sacred. It's an old Celtic tradition to light a big fire, bless the gods of light, and pray for a good harvest.
You might also celebrate the solstice by practicing 108 sun salutation, fueling your inner light. While your inner seasons keep changing as you move along, relish in this sacred moment to take inventory of your life. What is in full bloom right now, what do you wanna harvest from such a fruitful time and what will you release from your life?
Regulate your inner and outer worlds by observing the pulling forces within yourself. Use your yoga practice to regulate your nervous system and lean into mastering the lessons you have been given.
Many blessings,
Sara Grace
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