How Do I Know if I Am Ready For A Yoga Teacher Training

How Do I Know if I Am Ready For A Yoga Teacher Training & How Do I Choose The Right One?

Deciding to sign up to a Yoga Teacher Training can be exciting and maybe also a little bit daunting. Google “Yoga Teacher Training” and pages upon pages of results will leave you not only scrolling for hours but likely overwhelmed and confused. It seems every studio and experienced teacher out there is offering a YTT.

Bali is a very special place to undertake this transformational journey. There’s just something about the devotional culture that is practiced daily on this island and the quality and offerings of yoga that continue to pull new and experienced practitioners in. So if you’re really considering completing a yoga teacher training in Bali and you’ve landed on this page, chances are this beautiful island is already calling you. Our yoga studio home here at Radiantly Alive is in Ubud, right at the center of the yoga movement, which has become the biggest yoga destination in South East Asia, and some would even say, the world.

So, how do I know if I am ready to do a Yoga Teacher Training? What are the requirements?

You’re prepared to take an inner journey.

A yoga teacher training can be an emotional rollercoaster, as you peel off the layers of the ego and reveal parts of yourself previously buried or unknown. It’s usually ultimately enlightening and also quite confronting, as you delve into your inner world.

You love to learn, and you’re happy to invest in your growth.

As a yoga teacher, you’ll be a lifelong learner. A wise yogi once said: “Enlightenment is not a destination there are only enlightened actions”. In other words, there will never be a point when you arrive and say, “That’s it, I’ve reached enlightenment, I can stop learning.” This means you’ll likely continue to invest a good deal of time and resources in more classes, workshops, and your continued development. 

You’re committed.

Really, the thing that truly matters as you prepare to take your first teacher training is your ability to commit. Training is intense and challenging, but also immensely rewarding. If you know deep down in your heart that you want to train; do it. Don’t let surface reasons or insecurities sway you. 

You love sharing.

Yoga is about sharing. It’s the cycle of life. If you naturally have a passion for sharing what you learn, you are already on the path. AND it is your choice if you decide to teach or not. Some people also join for their personal growth. 

The Most Common Question that Arises When Considering a YTT: Am I Good Enough?

Do I need more experience before considering becoming a yoga teacher? I can’t do any advanced yoga poses, can I still train? 

To join a Yoga Teacher Training you do not need to have years and years of experience on the mat. Signing up with an open heart and an open mind are the best two things to bring with you as this will help you to embrace the teachings. 

There is no requirement to be able to fit both feet behind your head whilst balancing on one finger. The purpose of coming to a training is to learn and grow in your own way, and at your own pace - it’s not a race.

Ideally, you should have some regular practice experience prior to the course so that you are comfortable with some of the basic yoga postures. Physically, training intensives can feel demanding at times so having past experience will help you get the most out of your training without leaving you too tired or too sore. A minimum of three to four months consistent practice will help your body prepare for the transformational journey ahead of you. 

The good news is, teacher training is really open to all. In it, you’ll dive into all the details of the practice, ranging from anatomy and asana to philosophy, and also, get prepared for the real world of teaching yoga.

Choosing the Right Training | Yoga Certificate Course Options 

To teach yoga in any style, training is most definitely required. Though you can share your practice with others in informal settings, it is important to have a foundational knowledge not only on the skills needed to guide people’s bodies safely in this practice, but also to respect the philosophical roots of yoga. Many people, once completing their first training, will continue to learn and take courses, and advance their knowledge in different traditions - old and new. In this way, there’s not just ‘one’ path to becoming a teacher, or one training that will be the only one you ever do.

To become certified, the process is a little different for every course. These are the general paths of teacher training courses, each with their own individual differences:

Final Considerations

Before signing up, come back to why you’d like to do a teacher training in the first place. Decide what your true motivation is for doing a course. If you have a deep passion to help others experience and spread the magic of yoga, then let that lead you forward. Some students enroll in a course simply to inspire their own practice and decide that during the course they’d like to teach afterward, it’s totally fine to change your mind, we see this happen all the time. Yet once you finish, you’ll have all the tools to be a great teacher.

Undertaking a yoga teacher training will boost your own practice not only physically but spiritually, and emotionally too. It can be a completely life-changing experience but try not to set any high exceptions, instead treating each day as it comes with open arms and learning as much as you can. 

An intensive course is a brilliant start to stepping confidently into teaching yoga or simply absorbing its mechanics and its history, yet this important foundation is also a tool for self-development and growth. It’s a stepping stone into the vast world of yoga and your education and learning will continue long after you’ve gained your certification. 

Remember to let your heart guide you, you never know what might happen.

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