Committing To Your Dreams & Goals

Committing to Your Dreams & Goals | Increase Your Chances of Success With an Accountability Partner. 

Do you ever feel like you write down goals, but get derailed three weeks later?

It can be easy to break a commitment to ourselves right? You wake up and it’s cold, so you snuggle in the duvet a little longer, or you’ve had a busy day so you’ll do it tomorrow, but then tomorrow rolls into a week and then a month, and suddenly your goal has vanished…

Sound familiar? 

We’ve all been there; you’re not alone. We have all broken promises to ourselves, BUT when you make a commitment with someone else, something changes. Because it would be rude not to show up for someone else - wouldn’t it? You wouldn’t want to waste the time they’ve given. And that’s why the support of an accountability partner can be just the motivation and support you need to make the progress you so want!

Fun Fact: When you commit your goals to someone, your probability rises to 65%. If you create a specific accountability appointment with a person, the odds increase to 95%.

Plus, an accountability partner can provide constructive feedback, fresh perspective, guidance and inspiration to help you succeed and reach your goals. - Double the yes!

You can already see the obvious benefits of having a success partner to help you shine, and here are five more ways an accountability partner helps you succeed…


5 Ways an Accountability Partner Can Support You in Reaching Your Goals


An accountability partner sees the whole picture. If there are character traits, tendencies or bad habits that could be derailing your efforts.Your accountability partner helps identify roadblocks, redirects you if you get on the wrong path and keeps you on track.

This can include addressing things you’re avoiding or lying to yourself about—an accountability partner can help you uncover these blinds spots.



An accountability partner makes you take responsibility for your actions. This means that you’ll feel committed to completing what you said you would so you don’t disappoint yourself or waste the time of your partner.



Your accountability partner may offer advice, but sometimes the best thing they can do for you is listen. They can listen to your hopes and dreams, struggles and setbacks. 

Your accountability partner may not have all of the solutions for you—and they’re certainly not your therapist—but they can serve as a sounding board for your ideas and goals. They can redirect you and keep you on track.

By acting as a sounding board, your accountability partner can help you remember why you began your journey. If you have some setbacks, your accountability partner will help you recover quickly and keep you moving forward.



When things feel tough, or you’re having a wobble they will remind you of the positives that will happen when you reach your goal and why you set out to accomplish this goal in the first place. Afterall, part of the experience of reaching your goal is sharing the positive outcomes and wins with someone else. It’s like with so many other things in life: It’s better together!



Your accountability partner can help you modify your behaviors and help you track your progress every week. If you’re doing things that are distracting you from your goal, your accountability partner will help you shift your priorities back on track..

As you can see there are clearly some amazing benefits of having an accountability partner. So, how do you find one?  

How to Identify and Choose Your Accountability Partner

  • Identify someone in your network. Your accountability partner can be a professional, a good friend, a co-worker, a relative, or a spouse or partner. You may even find your perfect partner in the Radiantly Alive Online Community!

  • Honesty is the best policy. Seek out a person who can be straight with you; who can listen to you and provide helpful ideas.

  • Find a reciprocal partnership. Meaning the two of are going through the same process together. You could have a similar goal, shared goal or completely different goals.

Approach Your Accountability Partner

Reach out to your potential accountability partner. Ask them if they’d be interested in holding you accountable for your goal(s). Share what you'd like to accomplish. Let them know what your goals are, your plan for reaching your milestones and your deadline.


How to Work With Your Accountability Partner

  • Communication frequency. Establish how frequently you'd like to be in touch. Whether it’s a text message a few times a week or every morning, a 15-minute phone call once a week, or an in-person meeting every other week.

  • Continual check-ins. Have regular check-ins with your accountability partner preferably at the same time each week.

Check in with each other until you reach your goal and stay in touch even after you accomplish your goal to make sure you stay on track.

Start Crushing Your Goals

Yay! Commit to a better version of you. Commit to YOU. Declare today that you will set out to accomplish your goal and start taking deliberate action toward your goals and dreams.

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