New Moon in Sagittarius | December 13

New Moon in Sagittarius

December 13, 07:31 AM Bali time

Los Angeles: December 12 15:31

New York: December 12 18:31

London: December 12 23:31

Sydney: December 13 10:31

Keywords: In the Big Picture, Anything is Possible with Wisdom and Courage

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung

On December 13, we will have our annual New Moon in Sagittarius. New moons are a time for the new: ideas, intentions, and plans. The night is shrouded in darkness, with no moonlight. Our emotions and creative vitality are in sync. In Sagittarius, this is a fortnight to look beyond the obvious and find meaning in something greater, beyond the horizon.

Sagittarius, a Mutable Fire sign, is represented by the Archer and the Centaur. An arrow is aimed far into the distance, symbolizing mankind's transcendence of its animal instincts. The Sun in Sagittarius marks the last month before the shortest day of the year, with longer days on the horizon. Opportunities will arise, and hard work is in store, but what is our belief, what are we working towards, and what's possible? When Sagittarius is at their best, they are willing to take risks to find the answers. They are optimistic and enthusiastic, requiring freedom to experiment, travel, explore possibilities, learn, and embark on adventures.

And what does the sky advise for this Sagittarius New Moon of 2023? It's time to set our intentions and muster the courage to broaden our horizons. We have the added benefit of energy and determination to advance our vision and mission. Furthermore, there is a hidden knowledge of how to progress, map the path, and calculate the next steps.

This new moon, there will be challenges; there might even be arguments over "mine" versus "ours," feelings versus facts. While we may desire everything today, let's balance that with small, steady steps, taking one at a time. Choices and decisions will emerge, and with strong imagination, we must be doubly careful not to fall into illusions, deceive ourselves or others, or ignore our gut instincts. Yet, we can sense the energies gathering for us to harness. We embrace emotional boundaries and ground our strong desires. With faith, we soar, free and high, toward a vision of the future.

We take action, with hope, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Sagittarius 21: A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses. James Burgess describes this as walking in the shoes of a master. By copying the behavior and ideas of an awakened being, we are more likely to awaken ourselves.
"Receiving guidance from a true master"

Breath of Fire yoga

“When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” — John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President


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