Full Moon in Virgo | 7th March

Full Moon in Virgo
7th March | 8:40 PM Bali time

Los Angeles:7 Mar 04:40

New York: 7 Mar 07:40

London: 7 Mar 12:40

Sydney: 7 Mar 23:40

Keywords: Last call before Spring

"You can't get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you're doing. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself."
— Alan Alda (Saturn in Pisces)

On March 7th, we will have our Full Moon in Virgo, the last lunation of the astrological year. Mercury rules Virgo, Mutable Earth, discerning and helpful, symbolised by the maiden carrying a shaft of wheat, free of want, ready to give. The Moon here represents an emotional need to feel like we’re growing in a way which is stable and prepared, though we must guard against being too self-critical. Virgo Moons are a time to intuit how to be useful, busy, analytical and practical. The Moon reflects the sun’s light from directly across the sky, allowing us to see what’s happened so far, letting emotional vision shine. The Sun opposite in the sky, in Pisces along with Mercury, is the hero who uses empathy, compassion and imagination, so the Moon in Virgo must work with those ingredients. It can succeed in an unusual, imaginative way. This axis represents the service-health and material-spiritual axis.               

What does the sky advise this Virgo full moon of 2023? This lunation is a very important time to wrap up the astrological year but where Virgo and Pisces like to take their time, we have a supportive urge to go for it in a radical way, help from the latest innovations, and tension to act fast or else. What we have to remind ourselves is that we don’t have to accomplish the new tomorrow, we have time! Although the change will be radical, the results will not be immediate. Now is the time to dream big and wide but prepare for it by cleaning out the old forever.

We use the lunation 2 week period to remind ourselves that true dreams last, and they can be achieved with work and a plan. Oh and a plan B, and we’ll probably need a C and D later anyway. There will be plenty of time to build the new, as Saturn moves into Pisces literally an hour after the Full Moon goes exact, to stay there until 2026! In fact Old Father Time likes patience, hard work and overcoming obstacles. He rewards with return on investment, so we don’t get confused about what the urgent feeling is really telling us to do. It’s telling us to complete the foundation, focus on what we actually bothered to work on so far, and forget the rest for now. We know that with faith, we can sustain this long-term upgrade effort we’re starting. We will feel our way through the natural twists and turns and ups and downs on this journey.

The last few years have felt like a roller coaster. Now we prepare to turn that roller coaster into a new garden of fountains. We dare to dream, we have the tools we need, we got this, Radiantly Alive!

Sabian Symbol Virgo 17: A volcano in eruption

Nose breathing rather than mouth breathing improves gut health among many benefits. A great time to explore techniques! For example, box breathing.


"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."

— Maya Angelou (she has Mercury in Pisces, which rules this lunation)

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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