Can I Make Enough Money As A Yoga Teacher?

Can I Make Enough Money As A Yoga Teacher?

So you’ve decided that you want to turn your passion for yoga into a career and become a Yoga teacher. But you’re unsure of whether you can turn this dream into your reality and still pay the bills on time…

We get it! - It can feel daunting when stepping on a new path as a newbie on the Yoga scene, and you may have doubts sneaking in that you’re out of your depth.

But before you let fear creep in and talk you out of your dream life - let’s get a fresh perspective from a successful Yogi who’s walked the path…

Meet inspirational Radiantly Alive YTT Graduate: Joëlle Sleebos, @joellesleebos.

She shares her journey from YTT Graduate to becoming Head of Yoga for South Africa Virgin Active, YTT Facilitator at Radiantly Alive Yoga, and running her own successful Global Retreat Yoga business!

“After graduating at Radiantly Alive in 2016, I knew I wanted to share the gift of yoga and all its incredible benefits as a yoga teacher.

Little did I know, when I started this journey, that apart from teaching classes and privates, I was going to run my own global yoga retreat business, facilitate Yoga Teachers Trainings and become the Head of Yoga for Virgin Active South Africa.

As an economist and thanks to my experience in the corporate world, I had the tools and skills to approach this journey professionally

I had left my corporate career knowing I wanted more depth and meaning to what I could contribute to the world.

Making money isn't my objective. Staying close to my intention (the why) keeps me connected to my soul's work, but I also knew I had to work hard and approach my offering with a strong sense of entrepreneurship to live comfortably.

I only moved to South Africa in 2014 and didn't have a network I could build my business on. What helped me to get started was teaching at multiple studios so I could get greater exposure.

I love gathering like-minded people in beautiful places and by using my project management background, I managed to organize different types of yoga events and create high-end yoga retreats around the world.

The path hasn't always been easy, but my work ethic is strong - I consider myself to be a hard worker and want to deliver excellent experiences.

As an entrepreneur you have to do everything by yourself. Admin, marketing, decision making - it can be overwhelming!

Good time-management, knowing the value of your offering (and allowing your clients to reward you for your time and effort) together with a regular check in with my purpose (my dharma), my core values (connection, abundance, collaboration, inclusivity) and knowing my unique gifts has allowed me togive, serve and love my life and work, and at the same time be financially stable.

This quote is all the inspiration you need to create a thriving Yoga career for yourself…

Where attention goes, energy flows and results show - T. Harv Eker

As well as teaching yoga classes to groups in the studio and online, hosting Yoga & well-being retreats in South Africa, Bali and Europe, Joëlle is also a facilitator on our Level 2, 300-hr Yoga Teacher Trainings at Radiantly Alive’s main yoga studio in Ubud, Bali. She is an integral part of the training facilitating the Karma Project - Purpose module, to help you discover your unique gifts and dharma

Let’s be honest, nobody goes into yoga teaching to become rich. But, contrary to belief, yoga instructors can make money!

It’s true.

Even though our intention for teaching yoga is more often for the love, not the money, there are yoga teacher millionaires out there displaying what is possible, and plenty of teachers that earn enough money to live comfortably in a first world country.

Exhale the doubts and get excited!

If your dream is to work as a yoga teacher, there are definitely ways to make a full-time living getting paid for your passion!

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