Super New Moon in Aquarius | 22nd January

Super New Moon in Aqua| 22nd Jan | 04:53 Bali time

Los Angeles: 21 Jan 12:53

New York: 21 Jan 15:53

London: 21 Jan 20:53

Sydney: 22 Jan 07:53

Keywords: Breaking Free, the Real Me

“You are you. Now, isn't that pleasant?” ― Dr. Seuss

On January 22nd, we will have our annual New Moon in Aquarius, and this one is a supermoon, as close to Earth as it gets, so very strong indeed. New moons are a time of new ideas and manifestation. The sun and moon are perfectly aligned, which allows us to be ourselves and put our heart in it. In Aquarius this is a fortnight to initiate a big picture idea, a vision of the future that we can absolutely commit to.

Aquarius, Fixed Air, is represented by the water-pourer. Being fixed, it can stay the course and weather any storm. As the last air sign, it is brilliant at connecting, with people and ideas. It is the inventor, the networker, the friend, the humanitarian, the genius. It pours life-giving water onto the land. Aquarius can cross distant mental horizons and reach its goal with wisdom and compassion.

Both the sun and the moon can feel awkward in Aquarius because they are personal planets whereas Aquarius is a bit distant and objective so they have to adjust. The sun is about my purpose, my light, now - but here must consider the group, the big picture, tomorrow. The moon likes a cuddle but is instead offered some great ideas and conversation. This however is a great opportunity to be your own psychologist and deal with any fear, anger or embarrassment that may have held you back.

And what does the sky advise this Aquarius new moon of 2023? This one is all systems go, and a little spicy. We start with radical self acceptance. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing we’re working on, it means we show gratitude to ourselves for being us, exactly as we are. Today, tomorrow and the day after that - body, mind, spirit and soul. No matter what’s happening around us, who’s saying what, who’s doing what. Because the opportunity is now here to really get moving on our own goals. There have been some words, some delays, some thinking and rethinking. There may even have been tears. But it’s not the time to bow to emotions, or I don’t feel like it or I can’t or what if. The universe is giving us a jump start, providing a long burst of energy, initiative and faith. The mind is now sharp: we know what to do, we know how to do it, and we can visualise it. This is the time to start the engine. Vrrrroooom!!

We have a big, strong vision and we move on it, Radiantly Alive!


Sabian Symbol Aquarius 2: An unexpected thunderstorm.

Grounding breathwork: Hold


“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.” ― Lao Tzu

Instagram: @astrofly_insights

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