Manifest Your Dreams | 2023 - Reflection + Goal Setting

Manifest Your Dreams | 2023 - Reflection + Goal Setting

It’s the time of year where we are faced with a blank calendar space of 365 days before us, and there is a feeling of freshness and excitement of the possibilities for the coming year. Isn’t it a nice feeling to clean the slate of what has been, and welcome the new without any residue?!

It’s the perfect time to pause and reflect, to see what we’ve learned, and how we would like to implement this wisdom moving forwards!

So, before we dive into 2023, I’m sharing a simple journaling exercise I like to do at the end of the year, to reflect and give gratitude for the year that’s passed, and to set intentions for what’s to come.

Ready? Make yourself a cuppa, grab your favorite notebook, set up a cozy space on the sofa, or throw down a nice rug outside in nature if you’re somewhere warm, and answer these questions from your beautiful heart…

Wrapping up | 2022


  • What were your biggest lessons this year?

  • During challenging times, how did you show up? Are you happy with how you showed up, or could you have shown up differently?

  • Did you step outside your comfort zone? If yes, when? How did that make you feel?

  • How was your ability and consistency in staying present?

  • Were you kind and compassionate to yourself and others?

  • Did you love fully? If not, what got in the way?

  • How did you give to others? How did it make you feel?

  • Were there any old limiting fears, beliefs and patterns that you noticed?

  • Is there anything you want to let go of or stop doing? - A habit, a behavior, a job, a relationship, or a hurt, you are still holding onto?


  • What were the 3 best things that happened in 2022?

  • What did you birth or create in 2022?

  • What are you most proud of?

  • What have been your top 3 biggest realizations / lessons?

  • How have you grown?

  • What are you most grateful for in 2022?

  • Describe 2022 in 3 words

Now we’ve reflected on 2022. It's now time to let go of the past and dream of new possibilities we can take inspired action on!

Dreaming Up | 2023

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. - Albert Einstein”

Let’s get creative… But first, I’d like to mention that it’s really important that when you are setting goals that they: inspire you, make your heart sing, are true for you and not something you think you ‘should’ do or achieve, and that they make you feel good in working towards them - that you’ll enjoy the journey regardless of the outcome!

Let’s set your intentions for 2023

  • The year. What are 5 words to best describe how you want to feel in 2023?

    For example: strong, present, radiant, balanced, calm, connected, super healthy, content, bursting with love, relaxed, grounded, focused, joyful, loving, inspired…

  • Health. What are 1-3 health goals you would like to achieve?

  • Career. What are 1-3 career goals you would like to achieve?

  • Money. What are 1-3 financial goals you would like to achieve?

  • Self Love. What are 1-3 self-love goals you would like to achieve?

  • Relationships. What are 1-3 relationship goals you would like to achieve?

  • Travel. Do you want to travel this year? If yes, where do you want to go?

    Be as specific as possible, listing the location, date, solo/with a certain person or group.

  • Hobbies. What are 2-3 hobbies that you would like to explore and make time for?

  • Stopping. What will you commit to not doing in 2023?

  • Joy. What joyful things will you make more time for?

    Fun exercise: Write a list of all the things that bring you joy, pin it somewhere you will see it, and aim to do one joyful thing a day!

  • Ideal day. What does your ideal day look like?

    From your morning routine to bedtime. Be as specific as possible.

  • One word. What is one word you want to describe 2023?

  • Manifest. Now close your eyes and think about 2023. See it, feel it, experience it like it’s already happened. Use your imagination and let it play out. See yourself living life, fulfilling your heart’s desires and creating your dreams. What does that feel like? Who is around you? Take five minutes or so to really allow yourself to visualize and feel.

I hope you found this exercise fun and inspiring!

Wishing you a wonder-filled start to the new year.

Much love,

Jemma xoxo

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